Cone of Silence

Also, it's "Banyan", not "Bunyan" - not that anyone cares but me…

We need a joke that's witty at first, but seems
less funny each time you hear it.

Interestingly, the first and third most likeable characters are Kat Dennings' tits.

Yeah, "STHoldings" just screams "indie", doesn't it?

You should be listening to vinyl through a tube amp if you really want to be "old".

In the immortal words of Woody Allen, "There's no way to prove that there is no God. You just have to take it on faith."

Settle down, Beavis.

"Der Ring des Nibelungen", adapted screenplay by Kevin Smith.  Coming soon to a theatre near you!


Eno spelled backwards is…

You win.

Marion Cotillard?
In La Vie en Rose?

Poor little Pinkus…

Poor Pinkus…