Cone of Silence

"Reiger, did you see it? It was hideous!"

And, Long Beach being right there next to San Pedro will create all kinds of good synergy with your username. Win!

"If Love is a Red Dress (Hang Me in Rags)" by Maria McKee, from the Pulp Fiction soundtrack.

And by the time Marvin gets to Farhampton he is 37 times older than the Universe itself.

According to Wikipedia, Brent DiCrescenzo subsequently changed his mind:

I have to disagree completely about NYC Ghosts and Flowers, that has been my go-to SY disc for the last several years. Daydream Nation or Murray Street might be better intros, but NYC G&F is a nice distillation of the band's strengths, imho…

I hear the Winnipeg Grammar Rodeo is first-rate.

I remember seeing this and "The Sting" as a kid and loving them; they were the first "grown -up" films of my now quite lengthy life.  Guess I need to re-watch them and see if my 10-year-old self had decent taste or not.

When they started rehashing the Jasmine/Cyrus storyline I was very disappointed.  Then I thought they might be leading up to a Jasmine/All-Star-Cyrus routine and I got excited.  Then I realized that wasn't going to happen and I was disappointed again.  I hate it when that happens.

Such a perfect non-word. I always wondered if it was written in the script or if it was improv.

Men are here!

I wouldn't judge either one of those guys based on that stupid fucking movie.

This documentary is outstanding. When Iggy Pop is the least-interesting of all the interview subjects, you know you're onto something.

Her name is Martha Vickers iirc.

"Last Honest Face" was probably my favorite among his many great tunes.  And "Ballad of How You Can All Shut Up" might be my favorite song title ever.  RIP Mr. Miller.

Jenna Maroney as Alan Bald-Bormp!

It turns out the mother was really a chicken all along.

I was really hoping Jimmy would say "If you want to address me, you must call me Drakkar Noir!"

My reaction on hearing "Clocks" for the first time:

Liked for including Spec Bebop.  These guys do drone right.