
"I really wasn’t into that slow-motion shot of Philip and Elizabeth in the car."

"By the time he’s casually using her pet name “Lilibet,” Peter has sealed his fate"

I had no clue that they were going to bring in the Duke of Windsor on the show so it was a great surprise for me to see him show up. I always held a romanticized view of him in my head with the whole thing of giving everything up for love *wistful sigh* but after the show and doing some more reading on him, yikes.

I was like "uh, ok, nice ass but why." Also is it a body double? I don't think we've seen Smith's face and rear in the same shot.

A part of me hates how overblown the music at quiet moments but the other part of me likes the actual music itself and how it lends itself to the grand scale of royal drama.

……..those were bad elephants? Honestly, I found myself SO impressed the whole time they were on-screen.

Honestly if I was Phi Phi, I would be the fakest bitch alive. You would NEVER catch me saying a bad word about anyone, even jokingly. That sucks but that's legit what you have to do to get out of that "omg, i hate her" hole.

That's jaw droppingly incorrect.

I was like "Did you SEE Phi Phi's Snatch Game? What does romper room fuckery mean to you? Why would you ask for her ADVICE?"

In season 6, she had a Cinderella storyline which kind of got reflected in the editing. For me, this just retroactively makes her top 3 placement in season 6 seem like a total fluke.

Highly disappointed in Adore. She let MICHELLE get the best of her. Not RUPAUL whose opinion actually mattered most but MICHELLE. Just because people are supposedly living for you outside the show doesn't mean that you're going to waltz in and half ass your way to the crown. Adore got the direct opposite of a

Am I the only one who was confused for quite a bit because I thought Jimmy Smits was the MOM'S brother and not the dad's.

Gah, I really wish we could have had another round of the Wendy Scott-Carr reign of terror. She would have given her an even bigger smile as she destroyed Alicia.

I don't really know how to feel. I sort of hate it but then I sort of don't.

The Wendy Scott Carr reign of terror and the culimination of that arc with Another Ham Sandwich/Alicia at the grand jury was delicious.

Oh, I totally remember. The portraits and "what would you say to your childhood self?" was unbearable. It's just that this was new levels of relentlessness. Ru looked like she wasn't leaving the workroom without a tear from each of the girls to put in her anti-aging elixir.

RuPaul was TRYING to get sob stories out of the girls just as hard as Derrick was TRYING to justify his place in the Top 5. The EFFORT on display, y'all.

She still had looks though. And you can still have decent clothes and fuck it up when it comes to the presentation. Even if she didn't have the looks and the super-fish face, she had the singing voice, adept comedy skills and entertaining. For me, she's very CUT. (There's not alot of Nerve or edge with Courtney but

A pretty likable episode. It's nice to see Derrick get some positives this week but it seems so odd that he managed to pass THORGY. THORGY, y'all. Thorgy was so consistent but I doubt any of them could have overcome that lipsync against Chi Chi. Especially after the beads spilled, Chi Chi was fully feeling the

Either she's a big fan of Showgirls or she got on the ground and appealed to Our Large And In Charge Lady of the Lip-Sync, The Divine Latrice Royale, for a blessing.