
That actually was just me talking. No cheesy innuendo intended.

Lol, i wanted to cheese it up more but then my actual thoughts might have gotten lost.

Not to sound like one of those people who gets easily offended by every single thing but I was kind of irritated by how they had Marcia's actions a little before and during the glove debacle be influenced by her motion to request entry into Darden's garden being denied.

I just did from reading this post. Not only is that cute but if Nebraska's shit is together, she has a guaranteed spot on a future season. That's a storyline that they cannot turn down.

I know, right? But that would be borderline unfair to the rest of these girls.

April Carrion? It wouldn't be unjustified.

Chi Chi and her country ass is growing on me so hard. Her bit about owning a gun and knowing the smell of brains had me laughing. Not because i'm a horrible person but just the whole "OF COURSE SHE OWNED A GUN" aspect to it.

If Derrick wants Top 5, he needs to do better with the runway because both his looks so far looked very "affordable".

Is it odd that I totally forgot how AB looked because I was too busy coveting that "sequinced" jacket?

Bianca was that rare bitch in that her caustic humor was consistently funny and I can't think of a single critique she gave that wasn't completely justified.

I hereby rebuke all notions of Magnolia coming back because she was a complete waste of a queen with her stank ass attitude. Cute out of drag but I'm not sorry that her aim of "exposure" ended up with her hanging up the drag for good. It was NOT a good look.

The shooting was oddly placed. That should have been closer to the finale because it really lost momentum after that and the shooting itself even lost some power because there wasn't enough buildup towards it. That should have been an EVENT.

….what a fizzle of a finale.

That's what I totally thought too. She probably would have come off like some bitchy shrew if she said anything.

I sort of cut him a bit of slack because maybe her image was actively working against her in the case (in the court of public opinion). But how in the hell do you tell someone that? He tried. Doesn't make it a good thing but I feel like it was way more of a big deal than we really got from the show.

That endorsement was probably worse than any critique she'll ever get from a tabloid.

I did kind of holler because that's totally a "talk shit, get hit" moment.

The only real problem was during the Furhman cross-examination where it was like a tennis match. CUT TO…FURHMAN! CLARK! FURHMAN! BAILEY! ITO! FAYE!

How someone can get through something like that without using the word "fucker" is beyond me.

ACS Chris Darden captured my ENTIRE heart when he wrote that note about her hair. We both needed to hear that. Man, she walked in there all confident and full of hope and every step she took, they chipped that away from her. I know that feeling, ACS Marcia. I KNOW.