
It's so ridiculous and yet deeply amuses me.

"In fact, the gorilla suit didn’t originate in the writers’ room at all. Chaiken says that was all the doing of Lee Daniels, who thought it was genius and wouldn’t be told otherwise."

That book hurt my feelings on multiple occasions. I'm a cold bastard and even I found myself on the verge of tears SEVERAL times. It was hard to put down once it really got going even though.

The full version of Tomorrow Never Dies is an utterly enchanting. jazzy torch ballad. BUT KD Lang's "Surrender" that got pushed out of the way for Sheryl is amazing.

I feel like the only person on Earth who thought Schumacher's Phantom was actually quite lovely.

I'm actually serious. She's a good actress when she's given good material and she had already shown comedy chops in the past. Plus, she basically already has the look.

I really think Debra Messing was born for this role.

Does Cruel Intentions not count? Because I still regard that as a cinematic masterpiece with her performance as one of the highlights.

I took it as a "AH FUCK" moment.

It's totally unexpected but i'm buying it. Plus, i'm kind of glad they toned Pennsatucky down a bit because I found her legit terrifying and so real.

I want to be friends with Black Cindy, Taystee and Poussey and talk nothing but shit all day.

I always imagined that it was because there were more "famous" queens in the game who probably wouldn't have as much free time rather than unknowns who would make their debut on a new season.

Pandora just SHUT DOWN. I mean, ok, it's Mimi, but geez, it's also a second chance.

I haven't gotten to season 1 yet (dodges thrown makeup brushes and shade) and All-Stars was a shitshow but at least it was (mostly) filled with talented queens that we loved. This season plodded along with contestants who would have been blown out of the water in any other season. It makes last season look even more

That's EXACTLY why I loved that outfit. That commercial is ridiculous/awesome/glamorous and Liz is totally dragging it up which makes it perfect for homage.

I guess i'm ok with Violet winning but geez, I have NEVER been less excited to see who takes the crown. I honestly don't think Violet is at the level of any of the last four winners and I wouldn't pay to see any of the final three live like I did with Bianca (saw her twice and she's extremely hilarious and incredibly

Agreed! Darienne was to the Top Three as Courtney was for the Drag Race Crown. No chance in hell.

I'm going to have to disagree with you there because Darienne was totally on a lower tier than Courtney. Courtney reallllly gets an unnecessary amount of shit. She probably would have made it to the end in this season too.

That was odd. It was like Ru played "duck, duck, goose" in her head and Kennedy got goose. Honestly, she could have picked either one of them to go home and there would have been some way to justify it.

Not a Ginger fan but evoking Elizabeth Taylor in the ridiculous/glamourous/iconic White Diamonds commercial will ALWAYS get you points in my book. I honestly feel that that was her best drag. Violet? not so much. That look wasn't really focused and I LOVE that infinitely shady moment between him and Ross that clearly