
Whatever dude. Crush Em is a lyrical masterpiece.

The same reviewer gave High On Fire an A- and Goatsnake a B+. That isn't exactly the taste of your typical effete liberal stereotype.

First, I don't see why disliking lyrics or the message of a song is off limits for a review. Second, it seems like many of the people commenting on this review don't actually give a shit about metal. Mustaine has always written lame lyrics (which he sings terribly) while the music the band creates is almost always

Drinking doesn't even work anymore…

I kind of assumed he was taking the phrase "real head scratcher" and making it a bit more strange and lewd.

I just want to point out that "pseudo-intellectual nut-scratcher" is a bizarre and hilarious phrase.

I like that scene but it is so weirdly jarring to me. It is like the tone of the film changes for 15 seconds and you have this hyper aggressive douche thinking he is being really clever and sarcastic when he really comes across as super awkward.


That is what I like about Franzen as well. I kind of get most of the criticism towards his writing and his public persona. He has a tendency to punch down, he has some trouble writing women, his focus tends to be on white middle class Americans, his novels are long but not particularly dense, he is kind of a dick…etc.

The Fair Fight sounds pretty cool. I am going to have to add that to the list.

I finished NW by Zadie Smith yesterday afternoon. I really enjoyed that book and I plan on reading more of her work later on this year. Last night I started Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin. On my near future list I have The Wtiches: Salem 1692 by Stacy Schiff and volumes four and five of Saga by Brian K. Vaughn.

You know what's weird? I see a lot of that same sentiment expressed towards pop punk that came out in like 2004. "When music meant something!" these kids exclaim. Which I find hilarious seeing as how I lived through that weird little era. I know hipsters are like the cultural boogieman these days but, goddamn, pop

That's a good point. More often than not I am listening to a playlist of random bands that I put together or I let technology craft my playlists for me. I'd like to think that I prefer listening to entire albums (and they do tend to be jazz, blues, doom metal, prog rock, etc.) but I feel like I have less time to do

I like going through the old record bins at thrift stores or used book stores. Sometimes you hit the jackpot and find the Sesame Street Christmas album for pocket change.

I recall seeing something on MTV about that in like 1998. I remember some dudes were really upset while others were like, "Well he made it pretty obvious."

I have been thinking about this a lot lately. I get the feeling that a lot of new music pisses off older people because they don't feel like popular culture is being directly marketed towards them anymore. They make up the bullshit about lack of originality, quality, morals, etc. to make them feel as though they have

Thanks for the reply. I recall that scene and it is honestly it hard for me to understand that viewpoint. I think I struggle with understanding that sentiment since I was raised protestant. Unless things have drastically changed since I last went to church it seems that your personal relationship with God is more

After seeing Spotlight I started to wonder about people who stayed in the Church after everything "officially" came out (though I wonder if people ignore the scandals in Ireland and thought of it as some sort of problem specific to the Irish or something). I have a friend who is a devout Catholic and I think that if

I saw Hateful 8 and Spotlight. I enjoyed the hell out of Hateful 8 but Spotlight is my favorite film this year (even though it is horrifying). It's strange…I thought I knew a fair amount about the subject matter but the way Spotlight dramatized the events really affected me. Though the reporters look like minor heroes

There is something weird going on with the crowds lately. The "heel towns" are still a bit rowdy but did anyone think that Philly would cheer on Roman Reigns to a WWE Championship? Did anyone think that Brooklyn would get bored and restless with Sasha Banks? I know these are different crowds than the what we saw at