

I think if you were born to white parents in America any time between 1975 - 1995 then you were born into a household that owned that Eagles record.

Found Vince Russo's screen name.

I was thinking more along the lines of people who say stupid shit like, "Trump doesn't have a filter but his tough talk on China makes sense." If Jeb whipped it out I think those same type of people would be like, "I know that wasn't the most 'P.C.' thing in the world. Still, it got people paying attention. And now

I love that the first line in the Wikipedia entrance is: The George H.W. Bush vomiting incident, the only documented occurrence of a US President vomiting on a Foreign dignitary, occurred on January 8, 1992, about 8:20 p.m

I still can't believe that is a thing that actually happened.

At this point I think if Jeb Bush whips his dick out at the next debate he will get a bump in the polls. Insanity seems to really play well with undecided voters. If nothing else it might make cable news talking points seem even more frivolous. "I really think Jeb Bush finally got people to say, 'OK. WOW.' And that is

You didn't actually provide any sort of criticism.

That is a fair point. I will admit that I am a bit more stringent when allowing for artistic license when it comes to how realistic the politics are in a novel or film or whatever.

I was just about to ask if anyone else had read that novel. I had mixed feelings about it. There were certain parts that were well written and François is hilariously pathetic. However, I just couldn't take the political takeover seriously. Even though good chunks of the plot were concerned with politics it just

I enjoyed both of those records. I think my favorite release this year was Windhand.

No stop in Kansas City so it is either a pleasantly long weekend in Milwaukee or a short and shitty stay in St. Louis.

I put my car through hell so it was a heap by the time I was done with it. Plenty of dents, brakes were shot and grinding like crazy, bumper was starting to come off…the aforementioned giant dick on the hood of my car. I think a junk yard took it off my hands for a few hundred bucks. I treat my Camry much better.

1998 Saturn SL2. I am red/green color blind (at least I think it is red/green) so when I looked at the car I thought it was like a brownish color. Turns out it was a rose tinted color. I never really cared but plenty of dudes gave me shit for it.

That headline is the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be.

I kind of get what he is saying (specifically comparing the plundering of art during WW2 to the business practices of Google, Apple, etc.) but you can't expect people to search for subtlety in your statement when you are explicitly comparing someone to the Nazis.

New Day's fusion was the hardest geek out/mark out moment I have had in a while.

I bet the skits in between the songs are funny.

It sure seems like they are taking the Daniel Bryan story, something that felt natural and real, and just inserting Reigns into that role. The ending to Summer Slam 2013 was pretty damn close to what happened at Survivor Series this year.