
I recall that Ali, The Fighter, and Cinderella Man were somewhat realistic in their depiction of boxing (though each film was over the top in certain aspects) but I can't think of any other boxing movies that even attempted to be realistic. It is as if every director thinks that round 9 of Gatti vs Ward is how every

My problem with Rocky II is that there is just so much going on that it starts to feel emotionally manipulative. It isn't just a movie about 15 minutes of fame, second chances, redemption, etc. It isn't just enough that he gets married, has a son, wins the title (in probably the greatest fight of all time), and has

"But the incorrect take-away that some people seem to have is that free usage of dumb insults is good for democracy."
I agree with most of what you are saying in general but I don't think that is really the take-away from that scene. A first grader called the lunch room policy "retarded" and the editor of the paper, a

I was full on light side for most of the game. I even would even redo battles and interactions with NPC's if the battle or interaction tilted me slightly to the dark side. Then that twist. I felt manipulated and betrayed by the Jedi. Dark side all the goddamn way after that.

What about as a dude who is super into metal? Can you imagine?

When exactly did that call to arms happen anyway?

What about Sub Pop Rock City? That seems like it was mining similar territory in '88.

Fuck yeah.

I kind of doubt that Mudhoney was the first band to write a song about alienation in regards to your counter culture being co-opted.

Someone always uploads it on youtube the next day. I don't know who this person is but I unconditionally love them.

I might be remembering this wrong but I think he was really pissed off about a scene in The Doors where Jim Morrison is showing his student film. There is Nazi iconography in his student film and Ray was annoyed that Stone focused on that. He also just kind of insults anyone who he politically disagrees with. I think

The Doors were my favorite band as a kid and I read both Riders on the Storm by Jon Densmore and Light My Fire by Ray Manzarek when I was like 14. Two pretty radically different viewpoints on Jim Morrison. From what I remember Densmore loved the guy as an artist but seemed to resent Morrison's self destructive ways.

Alexander Payne might be interested in optioning your story.

You're right. Judy is pretty metal.

I don't think my aunt gives a shit if I listen to Windhand.

Ray Wise. The man who helped make Shrim a thing…Ray Wise is in an evangelical movie. That's fucking amazing.

Dammit. I was ready to make a stinging rebuke.

I don't watch Total Divas so it is jarring for me when the Bellas come out and they get a pop. I think they have both improved quite a bit in the ring (and Nikki is serviceable on the mic) but I just can't see them as anything other than an anachronism when either of them are in a match or cutting a promo.

I have had two experiences that I can recall. My first experience was seeing what appeared to be a grown up version of the girl from The Ring slowly moving towards my bed until she was on top of me. I knew I was experiencing sleep paralysis and even though I couldn't move and I could feel her crawling on me I was just