
Some of my favorite moments from the game are when everything goes wrong for the Investigator. Like, you have crazy ass Michael McGlen ready to shoot up the Dark Young and the battle card you pull calls for you to put a magic spell on your gun and your Lore is practically non-existent. Someone always screams "WHY THE

Yeah you really have to commit to the set up. It also helps if there is at least one experienced player in the game to get through the set up. What also tends to bog the game down is having to constantly check the rules. My favorite being a curse card that makes you believe there is darkness in every room you enter.

Call of the Wild is awesome and has arguably better mechanics and stories than the original. As far as the original game rules go, I can't tell you how many times the rules caused arguments with friends until we found an online addendum that answered quite a few questions. I have also found that it works best if you

I'm a big fan of Mansions of Madness even though it takes about half an hour to set up and you rarely win (unless you are the keeper).

It seems like a lot of comedic actors have dramatic acting chops but if they don't get almost immediate recognition (at least an oscar nomination) then they just go back to what they know best which leads to the easy pay checks. Even Bill Murray seems to have a good streak of movies then he is just like, "Fuck it.

I kind of wonder if all those jokes about the shitty movies his character makes in Funny People was really Sandler being self aware or if Sandler was just like, "Yep, this is a fair and accurate representation of my art."

When I was a senior in high school me and some buddies went to see The Matrix Reloaded on opening night. There was a preview for Legally Blonde 2 and all these young dudes in the theater starting booing. My friend turned around and shouted at them, "SHUT UP SHE'S SMART!"

I only heard Back to the Shack. It wasn't my thing so I didn't give the album a listen.

You unequivocally love Blue and Pinkerton. You defend Green and Maladroit. You absolutely fucking hate Make Believe. You cringe at the marketing gimmicks (Weezer snuggies, Weezer cruises, Brain Bell guitars sold at Target) and once a year you try to get into the new single because Rivers' says it is a "perfect mix of

I'm glad The Strangers made this list. I remember that it wasn't all that well received but I saw it on a whim when it came out. That movie really stuck with me. There is a whole mini movie before the home invasion where the two main characters are ending their relationship and it is just gut wrenching to watch. It

I'm really nervous about the upcoming season. I don't know if I want them to grow as individuals and move on from each other or if I want them to just accept the fact that they are in a codependent relationship and continue to live together. I don't think they will be happy regardless of the outcome.

I am not sure if I want them to stay together or to move out and move on from each other.

Maybe not improvisation but I have seen them change up some of their songs for live performances. There is a version of Working Man they have done where Neil is basically a prog metal drummer…I have also seen them do a quasi-reggae version of Working Man…

“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.” Hannah Arendt summing up the music of Blink 182.

Are you downvoting because of Squad Goals, CBS, or Seacrest?

I have Kliq goals.

The only time I recall where she specifically talks about Ziggler she said something like, "He is actually too good at sex." Which is a pretty good reference from an ex girlfriend.

When I read about this movie yesterday my brain wouldn't allow for Cameron Crowe to NOT be attached to this movie. Linkater's name was right there in the article. My eyes viewed the information presented in the article and my brain responded by letting me know that Cameron Crowe is directing a movie called The Rosie

How is Cameron Crowe not already attached to this?

I do love when Yelpers write a complaint but just have to let you know they have traveled far and wide to have exceptional dining experiences. It is always something like, "I have dined in New York, Los Angeles, Berlin, Rome, etc. and have never been treated so poorly!" and the complaint is usually some minor thing