
I haven't finished the interview yet but this line…this line, man: "…the thing I find the most funny is a fat woman on a rope swing on America’s Funniest Home Videos." I was laughing so hard I have tears in my eyes. And she just keeps going, "Oh, my God. You can’t picture a fat woman grabbing onto a rope swing and the

I would watch that if they could hire a Bob Newart type…or even Bob Newhart if he was up for it.

I'm just going through this thread upvoting every "Escape from New York remake? I thought you were dead" joke I can find.

I think a lot of fantasy booking is just wrestling fans shooting the shit. That being said, wouldn't it be more entertaining if Cesaro and Kevin Owens had a 20 minute IC Title match to close out Raw in Chicago? Wouldn't it be more entertaining if Sasha and Paige were allowed to have a 10 minute match of substance on

Yeah, I just now realized that John Cassavetes has a son…and that son directed The Notebook, John Q, and Alpha Dog.

Yeah, that seems like a line that Rabin would mock for being sexist if someone else wrote it. The fact that he goes on to pick out other actresses that would better serve the material based solely on their looks is kind of fucked up.

Dammit. I made the same joke 11 hours too late…

The sexy remake of Murder She Wrote is inevitable.
Edit: For some reason I trusted my instincts and believed that no one else would make this joke…my instincts are stupid.

I saw Springsteen live back in 2012. I actually went as a sort of favor to my old man as I was not (and still am not) a huge Springsteen fan. I used to actively hate him for reaons I don't quite remember but now I get why he is revered. I understand why he has super fans because that concert fucking ruled. Even though

I was always terrified of Kiefer Sutherland's ghost. That little kid in the red hoodie who just randomly appears to beat the ever loving shit out of Kiefer was pretty much my nightmare scenario as a kid.

You best start shaking that fist.

I enjoyed the hell out of that episode until…well, you know.

I really enjoyed his line about that: "Now when I go to bars, people play it unironically and I guess those are what people call “bros,” but when I was young we called them chodes."

That link with the diatribe about their haircuts is so stupid. You know what isn't metal? Critiquing someone's fashion sense (or lack there of) isn't metal.

I guess I can see where you are coming from but…I don't know. I can't imagine the kid thought, "I should take apart this clock and make it look like a bomb." You say he wanted a reaction but what type of reaction was he looking for by doing this? If he is even remotely intelligent then he would have to think that a

Let's say for arguments sake that he didn't build or invent a clock.* Fine, he didn't invent anything but why does that mean he intended to make a hoax bomb? Do you really think that this kid brought in a disassembled clock in the hopes of being arrested and starting a nation wide conversation on racism? It seems more

Great Job, PBS!

I am actually glad Trump is in the race. To be clear, I would never vote for Trump. I can't think of one thing he has said that made me think, "Yeah, that is a reasonable stance." I think the media obsession with him is a bit insane but I love how he has shaken up the GOP's status quo. I think Cornell West said

I Don't Care Anymore was mocked by British puppets?

I saw it in theaters for the first time last year and it was advertised as a "quote along" showing. The theater handed out water guns, noise makers, confetti, etc. The people in the audience who were actively participating were shushed a couple of times which was hilarious.