
A colleague of mine endorsed me for Cold Calling and nothing else. He is the only endorsement I have for that skill. I'm sure he was just being passive aggressive but I actually thought it was pretty funny.

It is useful for recruiters and for people looking for jobs that want to use a recruiter. Other than that I don't know what the point is. I am not even sure LinkedIn knows what they want to be. Is it a job board? Is it a "professional" social media platform? Is it s networking tool? The answer seems to be "all of the

What I find strange is the use of memes on LinkedIn. For example, someone will post the Willy Wonka meme and it will say something like, "You don't want to talk to me before I have a cup of coffee" and then someone comments with, "Mondays, right?" It doesn't make any goddamn sense in any context.

I think it works pretty well for the Trojan Horse cartoon.
Edit: Also works for that guy praying if he is praying to Zeus for some reason.

Oh my god. I love the image of this guy as a total scene kid circa 2006. You just know he was one of those guys trying to look hard in skinny jeans, with a bandanna in the pocket, and an Under Oath t-shirt. Just screaming his lungs out along to Paris in Flames.

Hogan used that tactic pretty regularly in the 80's.

I would support Ronda Rousey staring in remakes of or sequels to all of my favorite 80's and 90's action movies. They ought to just remake Point Break again and have her play Jenny Utah.

Maybe he was just in a really good mood that day but he wrote a glowing review of it. There are lines like this all over the review, "It's as if he gave himself license to dream up anything—to play without a net. This is the kind of movie “Independence Day” could have been if it hadn't played it safe."

I think both are fun films and I love reading Roger Ebert's review of Escape from LA. This is my favorite line, "Whose heart is so stony it can resist the sight of Kurt Russell and Pam Grier swooping down from the sky, automatic weapons blazing, in an attack on Disneyland?"

Slayer did a cover of this song called "I'm Gonna Be Your God". I love Slayer but that song is terrible and does a disservice to The Stooges.

Do you want to connect on LinkedIn?!?!

It is weird to me that there are movies now being made about the crazy lives of headhunters/recruiters. Honestly, we just leave a lot of voice mails and spend most of our day on LinkedIn.

This would have been a good example for AVQ&A this morning (pop culture face palm): Even though I liked Mallrats as a teenager I hated the performance of the actor who played T.S. I was always bewildered by this terrible performance because the same actor was excellent as Randall "Pink" Floyd in Dazed and Confused. It

In the second episode of "Who Shot Mr. Burns" Chief Wiggum has a really strange dream sequence where he is sitting in a room with red curtains and Lisa is speaking backwards. As a kid, I had no clue as to what the hell was going on and just figured the joke was, "Dreams are weird!" I must have watched that episode

I'm on board with this and I hope Terry Funk makes an appearance.

"We’re cautiously optimistic that Shyamalan is still capable of making an effective thriller." We think this every time and every time we are disappointed.

Rollins sure knows how to pick em…

This seems like the least controversial hatesong article ever. Also, and I don't know if this is meaningful in any sort of way but I honestly thought every Train single came out between like 1999 - 2004. I had no idea that this song is only five years old or that this band is still around.


That is probably the most reasonable excuse I have ever heard in regards to Axl Rose being late for something.