
Oh, man. I catch myself using "no-sell" and "mark out" and no one knows what the hell I am talking about.

When I am in a non-serious debate about something I like to throw out, "Just when you think you know the answers, I change the questions!" which is a variation of one of Roddy Piper's brilliant non-sequiturs.

A few weeks back I saw the last half of an ad for Xeralto featuring Kevin Nealon and I honestly thought it was a spoof. It showed Nealon playing golf with two other guys and for a good 45 seconds it shows these guys yucking it up on the golf course while a voice over lists the numerous reasons you shouldn't take this

I'll watch the Guns N Roses scene for sure.

I feel the same way. My phone kept getting twitter notifications about this guy all weekend before I turned the notifications off. I just kept seeing people tweeting and re-tweeting about @FatJew and I became too confused to care.

It took me way too long to get that reference.

Oh, man. The first scene with the psychiatrist is just the best. "I don't want to talk about any difficult feelings I may be experiencing. My mother, my father or my so-called 'childhood'."

A lot of scenes from Peep Show make me laugh. I love that scene from the first season where Mark leaves Sophie a voice mail and sings, "I just called to say…I like you…" and just loses it after he hangs up. Also, going into the elevator he says hello to Jeff who doesn't acknowledge him. "Well fuck you if we're not

One of my favorites: Wasting all that money is like buying a haircut for Saddam Hussein. And I hate Saddam Hussein! I like his haircut, but that's it.

For some reason I feel like Henry Rollins should have been involved with this as well.

He is also an interesting guy.

I mentioned a few comments down that his entire life is full of incredible achievements (advanced engineering degree, European karate champion, action star, disciplined bodybuilder, etc.). If anything more people should aspire to be that bad ass. I'm not saying he made a bad choice to become an actor but I just wonder

Oh, I'm not knocking him. His achievements are actually really impressive. I mean, he has an advanced engineering degree, had the discipline to train to look like a greek god for most of his life, has been a sort of movie star, and was a Karate champion at one point.

It is still strange to think that this is the same guy who has a master's degree in chemical engineering and who won a Fullbright Scholarship to MIT. I sometimes wonder if he has any regrets about going into acting. I am sure he lives a comfortable lifestyle but he isn't exactly well regarded as an actor whereas you

But what does Robert Christgau think about this? That's what I want to know.

Controversial opinion: I don't think George Lopez's stand-up act is half bad. In fact, I occasionally chuckle at his jokes.

I think it is McCown in particular that doesn't care for the books. I don't know…his snark comes across as trollish a lot of the time which has made the Newswire less fun lately.

If this was on TGIF in the mid 90's then I would probably have watched it and have fond nostalgic feelings for it now.

"So Speedy McPizza Box over here, got in them panties really quick." I'm not sure if that is the saddest thing I have read all day or somehow the most endearing thing I have read all day.

I don't know what I want more…KO vs Lesnar or Lesnar vs Cesaro. Either way it will be insane.