
After reading that interview Rabin linked I think the woman who won did go on the show for the right reasons. She was able to travel abroad for free, hang out in a castle, potentially gain some traction for her career, and have a weird fucking experience with a bunch of weirdos. That almost makes appearing on a shitty

Every now and then I will read a funny headline and accompanying story but for the most part the writers of the newswire mistake snark for wit. O'Neal, on the other hand, is a goddamn poet with his snark.

You say you know quite a bit about transgender issues so I will sincerely take your word for it and leave it at that.

I have been having this argument with a friend of mine who has a similar position that you do (though the topic was not on transgender issues). He is in a PhD program and he is one of the most well read and brilliant people that I know. I say that so it's clear that I know very intelligent people who do believe that

I found this snark to be a bit off putting as well. I think the author was going after the sort of clickbait type of headlines that accompany John Oliver pieces while trying to praise John Oliver. Instead it came across as a bit awkward.

I saw Eddie Izzard recently and he had this joke about how America never expected to be the leader on transgender issues in the world. The rest of the world is looking at America as being on the forefront of transgender issues while Americans are just like, "No we're not! We were just fucking standing around while

It's funny because it almost seemed like he thought he had accidentally been offensive to Canadians. It's like when someone says something offensive about black people and then they get called out and the backtracking of "I have a black friend! His name is Steve we love watching basketball!" which makes it even more

I hope they make some Noogie City t-shirts.

At least the title of this article wasn't, "President says "N" word on podcast" like every other goddamn article I have seen today.


I always sign up for those class action lawsuits that pay out like $1 - $10 per person. I have received small chunks of change from Naked Juice, Barnes and Noble, and, I think I should be getting one from Red Bull (definitely didn't give me wings). So…I'm doing my part.

Well this just won best headline of the day.

"You more or less answered you own question." It's encouraging to know my reading comprehension skills have not deteriorated with age and less encouraging to know that I am becoming increasingly long winded.

Just out of curiosity, how did you approach the film this time around? It seem like you write how you feel about it right now and contrast it with how you once felt as opposed to judging the film by it's context when it came out. In the review, you gave it the right historical context by saying it was a "sensation"

"I've wined and dined with kings and queens. I've slept in alleys and dined on pork 'n' beans."

I don't know what else you would call it…

I like that all the Rush news gets assigned to the one Rush Super Fan at the Av Club.

I have seen that pop up on Cracked a number of times but I don't know if that is what you are referring to. I guess I could see the argument that since Ferris has almost god like powers of manipulation and is a pathological liar that he must be stopped before he gets into politics or becomes an investment banker or

Eh, I wouldn't cheer for the principal even if you think Ferris is an asshole. Rooney knocked out the Bueller family dog and broke into their house because he had an obsession with catching a perpetually tardy student.

I saw this when I was like 17 and the only thing I liked about the movie was Lucas. It's weird to see someone say that Lucas was the most ill conceived character when he is really the only one who puts on an entertaining performance. Most people I know who have seen this movie thinks it sucks with the caveat of, "But