
It is so strange because the heel champ should beat most anyone without help except the top tier faces. I get that they are playing up Rollins as a chickenshit heel but he is still the champ and he just lost to the goddamn stooges.

Do you know what the one piece of advice Garth Ennis gave to Seth Rogen was? "No punching."

FYI man, alright. You could sit at home, and do like absolutely nothing, and your name goes through like 17 computers a day. 1984? Yeah right, man. That's a typo. Orwell is here now. He's livin' large. We have no names, man. No names. We are nameless!

I think Hackers still holds up. It is a pretty fun movie and though it was almost instantly dated by the time it came out I think part of the appeal that Hackers has always had for me was it's strange quasi-futuristic look by way of the mid 90's lens.

Personally I feel like I got that in his match with Lesnar at Summerslam. I know they eventually made it into a "Cena must redeem himself" storyline but, my god, watching that match as it happened live was so satisfying that it was surreal.

Yep…that's pretty much it.

Two things about that Cena and Owens interaction:
1. That was Cena at his best and worst. He was energetic and passionate while being pandering and spewing that garbage about what it means to be a "real man." Also, I enjoy it when Cena needles the IWC with his tongue in his cheek but when he does it in "serious/fired

Roman Reings Super Bro > Roman Reigns Khal Drogo.

I love The Rock…I love Kurt Russell…I love Big Trouble in Little China…so why doesn't this feel right?

I have seen things in the past where Kirkman praises Louis CK so this whole thing is jarring.

I know that it is just a throw away joke but I really like the image of you going in thinking this was a biopic about Destiny's Child and coming out being incredibly pissed off that it wasn't anything like that at all.

"Chris Kluwe is just a kicker so it's not like he's a real athlete or even masculine." - Pale, pasty, overweight, virgin.

"The only law that matters is gravity."

"Werewolf Gimmick" and "Choked Out" are both neck and neck for my favorites. I do think that "Foreign Object" is the funniest song on the album. It has been a while since a song has made me actually laugh out loud but when Darnielle sings, "I personally will stab you in the eye with a foreign object" I lost my shit.

I think that's just marketing yourself.

I mostly agree. It is just that it is the only critique I have seen where it seems like the criticism is engaging with the material as opposed to just being snarky.

Was it during Higher Love? I bet it was during Higher Love.

He is so damn good. It is unfortunate that they are to making his character mistreat Lana to turn the crowd on him.

That is one of the things I love about the books. Quentin literally gets what he has always longed for and he still isn't happy. He fills his life with magic and gets a lovely partner but that doesn't cut it. He uses booze and drugs to fill the void. He makes questionable choices and tries to justify his mistakes. He

I think the overall point of the critique is that a woman has to suffer (whether it is through their choice to sacrifice themselves or not) for Quentin to learn his lesson or be redeemed for his character flaws. It isn't the typical "princess needs saving from dark tower" or whatever but, all the same, a woman has to