
I watched The Guest and I enjoyed the hell out of it. Dan Stevens' interaction with the teenage boy was probably the best thing about the movie (other than maybe the fantastic soundtrack). His delivery of the word, "Awesome" was hilarious.

I liked Ghost Busters 2…

Hulk Hogan was my ideal of masculinity up until I was like 8. Say your prayers, eat your vitamins, etc.

From like 2007 - 2009 a lot of people would tell me that I look like Dwight from the Office. Most would qualify it with, "But like a handsome version." What does a handsome version of Dwight Schrute look like? Me I guess.

Best. HateSong. Ever.

Dunn is the worst.

Yeah but he had that damn hair cut when he became a Heyman Guy and won the IC title. I am pretty sure he was supposed to be a serious performer when they gave him the initial push.

I honestly believe that if Axel got a decent hair cut then he would not be a comedic jobber.

I thought it was a great match with very good story telling. The build was actually pretty decent considering they basically threw it together from scratch. Still, as much as I enjoyed that match it made me realize that the build and story (technique vs power with Reigns being a vulnerable due to injury) should have

If Charlotte is called up to the main roster then I hope she feuds with Steph. Charlotte and Steph would put on a goddamn clinic if given the opportunity.

I still don't understand the reluctance to push the women's division on the main roster. I'll be honest, I can't stand the Bella twins as far as their characters go but I would be straight up lying if I said they haven't improved as wrestlers. They have Paige, Nattie, AJ, and The Bella twins and they pull that shit

Yes to Osgood and Missy. No to Danny Pink.

I do tend to prefer artists who were stoners or heroin addicts as opposed to coke heads.

"They're ruining everything that's cool about rock 'n' roll." That's how I feel about hair metal.

For me it is probably "You and I" by Ingrid Michaelson. My ex girlfriend played the song and said, "Oh my God this song is so us!" which is probably the whitest moment of our relationship. We broke up two weeks later so the song, contrary to popular opinion, was not "so us." I think the reason that song sticks with

I am going to rant about Kanye for a second here. The guy is a great producer and a lot of the actual music he creates is awesome. However, I think that the guy is a terrible lyricist and has a really bad flow. He is also an arrogant jackass and I don't think his talent backs up his ego. I have given him several

This is going to be terrible. Maybe they should have gone the Ghostbusters route and made a movie with an all female cast? Amber Heard as Jenny Utah, Angelina Jolie as Bodhi and Helen Bonham Carter as Angela Pappas.

I wasn't really taking a swipe at Black Mirror but more so at the idea of a U.S. version of Black Mirror. I feel pretty certain that in the U.S. version the devil is going to be creating an addictive app that makes us all less human or something.

So…The Twilight Zone?

I think there may be a small market for goth inspired fashion with trash bags. I had a friend who came to school wearing a trash bag as a shirt when we were freshman. Obviously I asked him, "So, why are you wearing a trash bag?" He sighed, as if it was an asinine question, and replied, "It is a statement about