
Frankly, if the CW has the budget to do another serie, why not giving it to SPN and have Sam and Dean investigating in big cities or even abroad!

It's not frigid, it's really "fridged". It comes from the comic trope called "women in refrigerators".

Haha no I don't think I do! And confusing reality with porn is something many people who actually watch porn do!

They're all bad. The blond girl with evil eye liner, the werewolf Juliet who looks like a cocker spaniel, the Bad Guys (look! I've a tattoo! I'm a baddy!), Freddy Krueger, shapeshifter Walmart Romeo and finally Mr No-Personality-Male-Lead…All bad. ALL.

"I wonder how much of the pilot's content was dictated by the CW suits calling for more abs, tooth whitener, and hair product. "

Yeah me too! This is just a bunch of clichés…

And if only she could act!


Plus, the murder of the girlfriend in the beginning of the episode is such a big fat trope…!

Agreed… They made it a Supernatural spin off but it's like it's not happening in the same universe. It just…The Originals in Chicago.

Yeah I do. Broken people don't look that good.

I really, really didn't like it. The plot is bad, we can all guess it's going to be some kind of Romeo and Juliet mush. The acting is extremely bad, with people thinking you can express absolutely every emotion by only frowning. That is indeed way too close to the Vampire Diaries and its oh so terrible acting. I won't

Well I think he is :) I've seen broken people, depressed people, people who have an addiction problem and…they don't look like that. Dean looks like he's been partying too much lately but that's pretty much it. Not something that a few good nights of sleep can't repair.

I love the show but sometimes i'd really wish it was a little bit more realistic in its character development. I know that a large part of the audience is made of teenage girls, but still, how can these guys be so good looking with the lifestyle they have? Let's take Dean as an example. He eats junk food, he clearly

I really don't think Nina Dobrev is a good actress here. Elena=cartoon eyes+tilted head and Katherine=frowning+looking sideways. Wow. Stunning indeed.