
Thanks for the heads-up about the 11th!

*sigh* I was so hoping that the crew saw something I didn't and would create a completely happy ending without it feeling like a cop-out. But it was not to be.
Ashi's fate is…quite disappointing. Many of us suspected that destroying Aku would destroy her, and I was reluctantly prepared for that because it makes sense,

I always liked to assume he's the professor's distant ancestor.

"Wait…if you destroy Dib in the past, then he won't ever be your enemy. Then you won't have to send a robot back to destroy him, and then he…WILL be your enemy so then you WILL have to send a robot back *head explodes*"

My headcanon (which I got from a TV Tropes commenter): It's Mako.

I stayed off Tumblr for a few days after Episode 8. And after this one - mainly because I was out of town and only watched the finale today, but I guess it's just as well.

Boy, 8…Poor little Jack. I would've guessed he was at least 10 before Aku showed up to ruin everything.

Oh man….
- After a week of having "Everybody Loves Somebody" stuck in my head, they only had one bad-tasting kiss. And the awkwardness reappeareth. Of all the possibilities for where this one would pick up, I hadn't considered that. I do appreciate seeing some reflection (ha) from Jack about the whole thing.
- And a

On the flip side, during Ashi's upbringing there really were no boys.

Oh yeah : (

Yes, she did!

Ooh, yeah! She'll have to do a complete 180 from her attitude in "Jailbreak" about not fighting Homeworld.

Yeah…I thought he unlearned that back in "Full Disclosure"?

This was not her first hostage situation.

Maybe 17-20

- How many times has Sadie half-heartedly tried to explain to Barb that Lars isn't quite her boyfriend?
- I'm inclined to think Aquamarine is a newer type of gem, but Pearl seemed to recognize the name, unlike Peridot back in "Warp Tour".
- WOW that promo. We're definitely going to see Homeworld at last, right? This

It was at least, like, six to get down to the stairs.

Oh yeah, could be way worse. This break barely deserves the name "hiatus".

Excellent point about the other gems' POVs being a distraction, because they absolutely would.