
I just checked Wikipedia - 2013! Yikes!

FWIW, I found tonight's episode the least frustrating and most fun so far : )

Lars saw one episode of Adventure Time years ago (namely, Root Beer Guy) and it came back to
bite him (except not really since everyone likes the catchphrase).The most pleasant Lars episode yet. He's enjoying something! He kinda-sorta learns his lesson even if he does chicken out at the last minute! Sadie's branching

Oh, also - I guess Melissa's desire for a baby was just a byproduct of being off her meds, since she's back to disliking them now (except Dawn)?

Favorite bit: Steven putting his floating powers to good use!

Yeah! It'd be a great season finale set-up.

At one point Lion 3 was my favorite, but the Crewniverse has been busy since then! : ) Other honorable mentions: Back to the Barn, On the Run, Giant Woman, Mr. Greg

I would've been Andrew.

Good point about so many things getting wrapped up in a hurry.

Darnit, but this show is good at producing good season finales that help me to forgive what came before! Glad to see Erica and Dawn made it through okay, that Pat is no longer a threat, and that Pamela found the group. Phil was still getting on my nerves, though. At least he's got a better dynamic with Jasper now. I

Me too. At first I thought she was just putting on a happy face for Jasper when she assured him Erica was going to be fine, which seemed like an out-of-character thing for her to do. Given how blunt she was the rest of the evening, though, she must have genuinely believed that. Which is sweet.

I thought we were going to get more info about Gail's son, too. Too bad.

I didn't catch it either. I know last season she wanted Yorblinda for her baby.
(I think your prediction will be correct.)

I wonder what precious memories Bob erased to try to tape the show.

Huh! I've seen some of his videos but not that one. Will do so when I get home.

"On three, everybody lift!" That is some well-done sarcasm teamwork.
I'm kind of wishing we would get a corresponding Father's Day episode, but I guess we did just have Bob's birthday.

*raises hand*
And maybe, just maybe, an appearance by the Scotsman's wife? I hope?

I haven't watched the one on the train in a long time, so I couldn't remember whether Jack was just being polite when Josephine was coming on to him. Come to think about it, every potentially romantic encounter he's had in the future has been a trap.
Good point about "Jack Remembers the Past"! That whole episode is so

1. Jack and the Warrior Woman
2. Couple on a Train
3. The Four Seasons of Death?
(Just curious which ones you meant)

"this allows him to find one of the only people who could understand him" - I have been wondering lately: Assuming Jack does get back to the past and defeats Aku there (then?), would he still be pretty lonely, given that no one else will have experienced the timeline in which Aku took over? They would still remember