
*resigned sigh* Well, writers, let's see where you're going with this.

He'll be all chuckling and shoulder-punching and "Didn't think ye had it in ye, boy!" Which will be fun.

I thought it was Sinatra. *embarrassed*

A fair point, which I kept in mind last night.

- Given the main plot, I would've chosen "Oh Yeah" by Yello for the credits, but I would've been wrong, wouldn't I?
- I loved the gags of the loss of the air conditioner and the notes coming together to support Louise's cover story. And all the obvious things that had already been mentioned (Linda-Louise bonding, some

Ooh, yeah!

I will keep them open through SHEER FORCE OF WILL!

I was pretty confused. Until the end of the wedding I was sure it would all be revealed to be a dream sequence or something like that. I guess I'm grateful that we're moving along with the various plots, but jumping from Point A to Point Z like this makes the story progressions feel…I dunno, unearned? Less than

- Nothing so adorable as those baby rams could've made it through that scene unscathed : ( The monster versions hadn't even gotten to him yet, that was more channeling his anger than self-defense.
- Good callback to "Jack and the Zombies" and Jack's sword having a say in how it's used.
- The visuals during the

Jack sheathing his sword gave me the biggest rush of nostalgia yet.

I agree, especially because of Jack's visions of his parents from the first episode. Given all the supernatural happenings that, well, happen in this series, at first I thought Jack's father was actually somehow communicating across time and space with his son. Now I'd assume that those were just products of poor

"Why, I'm old enough to be her…older brother!"

- I agree that "Cloudy" was the strongest. Lovely showcase of Finn and Jake's relationship, and good advice for stress in general.
- Lemongrab! Carol! PARTY PAT!
- Beautiful designs, especially the elegant, creepy Ice Kingdom and the candified populace.
- Oh, but Marshmelline…that hurt my heart to see.
- "Sours get the

RIP : (
SotL is one of my favorite movies of all time, and Clarice one of my favorite characters. I haven't seen much of his other work, aside from Philadelphia and the beginning of Beloved…and Weekend at Party Pier, of course.

I've read that they were originally going to film young Clarice running away as a flashback, but Jodie Foster's performance telling the story was perfect all on its own.

The Reader!
I know I need to see The Reader
I even went down to the theater but there was a line
Of all the people seeing Iron Man a second time

(Holy moly, her list of awards/nominations is its own separate, giant page in Wikipedia.)
I was hoping she'd win for Doubt. Or that anyone associated with Doubt would win, really.

Should the sad day ever come when the show has to end, hopefully they'll console us with the complete series soundtrack (the upcoming one "just" including everything up to now).

Another fun Bob's two-parter! xfinity was going in and out for me during the first half of the LARP episode, but it was easy enough to pick up on what happened. Great design on the Winthorpe House.
The second episode was completely adorable, combining Bob Enjoying Things with Bob Being a Good Dad, not to mention two