
Me too

I just thought he meant he lies on the floor doing nothing sometimes. Which is not quite healthy either, but better.

I disagree. All the presumption and passive aggression were grating on me. Phil, you can't decide that Jasper's afraid of Melissa when he regards Melissa with the same expression as everything and everybody else.

I like how Bob started to address that, then decided there was no time/no good way to.

I keep watching too, because any week now the show could deliver another knockout. It is darn frustrating waiting, though.

"Are you looking for the Samurai?" I did wonder at first whether that was going to be a trap from one of Aku's agents.

I hate that every week that box blocks my view of Jack.
Probably won't happen, but what if we got a new title sequence for the rest of the episodes now that Jack's hope is no longer lost?

"Jack Remembers the Past" is one of my favorites - and the one that got me started watching.

- Yay, Scaramouche is alive!
- Yep, had a little mental spit take after he said what I was trying not to think.
- Da Samurai was my favorite of the callbacks, followed by Olivia.
- Though in a weird way I was a little disappointed to see Demongo again - Aku's blunt destruction of him after his plea for mercy was my

I hope they don't go that route. Even putting aside the 50-years-yet-I-do-not-age thing, she seems too young for him.

Me too.

Adventure Time continues to have the best, most realistically nonsensical dream sequences.

Prediction: Before his ultimate demise, Aku will snap out of his funk when he learns that Jack lost the sword - now he can kill the samurai once and for all, *hammy evil laughter*!

"Cool, a lady warrior!…A *buncha* lady warriors!…THE SCOTSMAN!!…THEY'RE ALL HIS DAUGHTERS!!! <3….Haha, yeah Scotsman, give Aku what for!-OH….nonononono noooooooo….this is a fakeout, right? Right??…Ah! Ok, yeah, that's good, that'll work."

Happily N'Ever After. It was with a group for one of my sisters' birthdays, and we all stayed through the end. I've never left the theater during a movie, though I have given up on movies partway through at home. Bright side: it was my introduction to George Carlin.

I was at a production of Road Show a few years ago and fought temptation to take the much-better-than-mine seats of a couple who left at the beginning of Act 2.

"Fair is fair…I cut my hair…"
- comedian from one of those VH1 I Love the 80's specials

"Don't worry. Someday somebody will take you home and love you."
*What Dreams May Come and the other reject movies start singing "Maybe" from Annie*

- The murder of crows…oh ho ho. Thank you for pointing that out. That is some top-notch punning.
- I think Jack's hallucinations have just as much significance as they ever did. They're still showing what's going on in his head and his conflicting feelings about his situation.
- One more reason to love Jack: he's the

Yes. If such a delicate creature is "not part of Aku's order", but is appreciated by his enemy, what does that say about each of them?