
She seemed briefly awed by the glowing creatures above the pool.

I don't know why he didn't just jump good out of the monster! : )

That's what I like to think. I guess we'll see.

Me too re: giving the show my full attention. During most others I'll also do something simple like Pinterest or deleting e-mails, but the tension and reliance on visual storytelling makes it impossible for this one.

- Despite the existence of a certain Mako-voiced shape-shifting ham with GREAT FLAMING EYEBROWS, I'll say Samurai Jack. He's virtuous, he's kind, he's determined, he's skilled, he's clever - and seeing him struggling to remain so in the new season has endeared him to me all the more.
- Rocko the wallaby
- I very much

Upvoted for Ned!

This reminds me of a moment from Arthur when all the kids are choosing avatars for an online game. Buster picks Silly Goose, Francine is Sporty Goose, etc., and Arthur is stuck being Just Plain Goose. Similar to Hey Arnold, more episodes focused on the side characters as the series went on.

How about a Kennedy half dollar? I got one of those at a party from even older relatives.

Last week I unexpectedly had Teddy singing "Tuscaloosa Twister" stuck in my head.

*imagines the macarena as a fusion dance*

Ehh, I kind of feel the opposite. The main plot with Phil trying to force his way onto Jasper's good side really, really didn't work for me. Phil's been overbearing before, but it feels different when it's with a child.
On the other hand, while Carol was indeed out of line, her unique way with words and Gail setting

I feel like he's had other moments where he let the facade fall - like when he leveled with Lewis about why he wanted him to try flying so badly - but yeah, he really needs to skip directly to that approach more often.

Lots of fun!
- Between certain lines ("Dad, quick question, do you know the crawl space?") and the more-frustrating-than-fun egg hunt, this one rather reminded me of my own family.
- How many years did it take for the egg hunt to become an all-day affair? When did they stop trying to make it to Mass at all (whether or

My family, too. Though instead of hiding individual eggs, my dad would just hide our baskets, with eggs and candy inside.
And one year my grandpa hid a bunch of plastic eggs in his yard for all us grandkids, and the only ones I found had hug coupons inside instead of candy, and I got upset and he gave me a silver

That's how I got hooked.

Also, I'd like to point out that Louise began this series by claiming burger meat was made from humans and has now made a human out of burger meat.


"it let us see her perspective and how she has been raised with that belief system" - Yes! The religious devotion to Aku is another fascinating part of the new season that I'm guessing was made possible by airing on Adult Swim. I may be remembering wrong, but Jack's earlier antagonists were either hired by Aku or

What a great night of Bob's!
- I like that Judy types just with her two index fingers.
- Oh Bob. Trying to figure out a way to lean casually and just gradually sinking closer to the floor. I felt your pain.
- It's always great when he gets really into a family project, though.
- "So. Small talk." I'm definitely using that.