
I haven't seen it, but I've heard of it.

Electric Burger-loo

Me too.
My theory (I know this is far too silly a thing to be having theories about) is that that was her nickname for the pill in the pre-virus days, like an inside joke, and that's just how she thinks of it. She wasn't deliberately trying to be difficult, but is obviously not "back" enough to explain further.

I'm hoping Blue Jack will look progressively more like Aku.

"The funniest bit of the whole episode was Carol's skunk story" - not to mention Erica's face while enduring it.

Well, we saw their biological mothers in the first (new) episode. I loved the creepy detail of the Daughters (presumably) referring to the high priestess as "Mother".

I'll give you this, Ashi - that was a rant worthy of Aku himself.

Eh, not the best, but I'm glad there is some plot progression. And that we've gotten some indication of how much time has passed between episodes, because I've been completely disoriented.
- "Wuh..wah…" "WINE! SHE NEEDS WINE!!!"
- "It's your standard 'vessel' scenario."
- Phil and Todd's mutually supportive friendship is

Libraries have been criminally underused this entire series.

If Phil can keep himself from blowing it up, that is.
The question is, who would he recruit to recreate the Titanic scene with him?

I considered drawing all the Belchers as each other for the fan art thing.

Astounding. My jaw dropped so many times during this episode, from Jack flying off his motorcycle to the blood spurting out of that wolf (of course we knew there would be more gore this season but it was still a jolt) to the blade slicing through his beard (heh…I always liked Messy Hair Jack and that felt like a

It is a shame but hardly a surprise (after all that buildup) that Lewis's flight ended up like it did. At least it gave us the spectacle of another classic LMoE funeral. Never give up singing, Todd.

"The mail room was nice." Oh, Tina.

Desserters…like, like deserters…*awkward thumbs-ups*

Wait, what??
*quick Google search to confirm*

Did they take it with when they fled Malibu? I can't remember.

I think there were 20 issues total.

Ooh…I am curious as to who's under that mask. We see her putting on her garb but don't see her face, and she makes a point to the Daughters about the loss of their individual identities to the mission, so I'm expecting some sort of dramatic significance when/if we see her without it.

Holy moly, the birth scene. And the leaves. Really, I was on pins and needles (and loving it) the entire episode.
Good observation about the girls' lifelong training being similar to Jack's, minus things like humanity and diversity and…fresh air and sunlight and all.
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