
Yeah, you'd think he'd want to surround himself in person with worshippers like the Daughters as much as possible if he wasn't incapacitated in some way.

Me too. Give him the ol' Indiana Jones treatment.

The first time I watched "Jack and the Baby" I thought the baby would turn out to be the Scotsman's.

Same here

I may have thrown a mini-tantrum when the guide said Steven Universe but my TV showed Teen Titans Go.

A reference to the milk mustache ad campaign, because Pamela was trying to teach Jeremy to say "milk".

Wild guess: On her way to the Malibu house, Pamela happens to pass the office complex, hears Gail's gunshot, goes to investigate, Gail is alive and rescued yay!

I'm sure Seth Grahame-Smith is working on it.

I dunno - to me the unstuck-in-time-ness explains the clashing verb tenses.

Though brilliantly sunny, Saturday morning was overcoat weather again,
not just topcoat weather, as it had been all week and as everyone hoped
it would stay for the big weekend — the weekend of the Yale game. And then the murders began.

Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever, and rich, with a comfortable home and happy disposition, seemed to unite some of the best blessings of existence; and had lived nearly twenty-one years in the world with very little to distress or vex her. And then the murders began.

Young Danny Fenton, he was just fourteen
When his parents built a very strange machine.
And then the murders began.

Bob should give himself more credit. I've seen him in a collared shirt and suit jacket before.

Very good point about the episodic plots. I certainly didn't watch the show in order myself. I guess I was thinking of the premise itself as a storyline. There are plenty of series involving an ongoing conflict (Dexter will never keep Deedee out of his lab, Doctor Claw will never get Inspector Gadget), but it feels

I do like a good clueless-but-well-meaning character, and Kristen Wiig is a perfect fit for this show. As I've said before, it wouldn't make sense to introduce her and then never do anything further with her, so I'm looking forward to her return. And I'm very glad that the drone didn't end up belonging to Pat (another

Maybe she sees Carol's additions to "Pat's" angry writing on the wall and assumes they all went to Helsinki.

I thought the show began in 2020 (which would mean the virus began in 2019, and Trump could've resigned or been impeached within the current term).

Definitely longer than Peridot's, if at all

I thought Tiger and Puma's special move was going to involve Smoky Quartz.

I know for me reading the comics felt just like watching the show. Aside from the last one, I don't see any problem with their adventures taking place in the fifty years between seasons four and five.