
That's the episode I was coming down to post. Although I had seen several seasons in already ( my introduction was a $5 blind buy of seasons 1&2) that episode was on Comedy Central one day when my fiancee and I were stuck at my dad's house bored. It became her intro episode. It's great for setting up the group

That was my thought on Leia. I felt they weren't going to show her face. We know who she is. It would have been more striking to just keep it to maybe the reflection if anything. I'll admit I felt she looked awful (did like Tarkin's CG for the most part although sometimes he looked off) so that might have something

"-I loved that the Rebelion was so scrappy. Made up of morally ambiguous people who had done some shit. And Yavin felt so perfectly cramped and roughly assembled. People looked sweaty and gross and tired. I dug it. "
That's one thing I've loved about Rebels TV show and in Catalyst novel (and some other new canon); the

Mine was a packed Imax in (north) Seattle WA. This show sold out in 20 minutes although generally the pre-sales have lagged far behind TFA. It's the theatre I work at as a manager so I've been watching the numbers. We came into today with 2000 pre-sales for tonight and 2500 for tomorrow, about a thousand less than

I'm one of the few who still enjoys the last seasons, but my fiancee and I did a rewatch earlier this year and it dawned how much of a dick Jim is. I always recognized this for the last few seasons - I figured it was part of Dwight becoming more likable as the show progressed but nope - Jim is a jerk from day one.

Our version of that was Goldeneye where we'd see who could place the most amount of proximity mines in a multiplayer level before a misstep or throwing too close would cause every one of them blew up; killing most of us in a chain fireball.