
Please delete these and redo with spoiler tags - not everyone's reading the books.

I just wanted to make sure my compliment was delivered and received! Carry on.

I meant (S)HE should be recapping shows for this site. As in, the comment was so good that the commenter was worthy of being a recapper. It was a compliment, dingus.

Uh… you should be recapping shows on this site.

Love it. Welcome! Spread the word!

Don't point and laugh too hard - she'll be on The View or Fox News within the year…

So glad it's back!

I've hated the "Adam & Jessa make a movie" storyline every step of the way until learning the movie is 47 minutes long.

The Belter tattoo is an homage to the actual scar Belters used to get from their gear.

I'm here for all of this. Every. Single. Second. of it.

I believe the title of the episode connects your first paragraph to your last. The last time there was a technological 'Paradigm Shift' in this world, it was a drive that allowed us to reach Mars and the Belt.

like dis?

I'm fairly certain we'll meet that person next week.

The same thing Bill Murray whispered to Scarlett Johansson, probably.

HOLY SHIT the final 10 minutes. HO. LEE. SHIT.


I also think of Arkansas football when I hear that line. But as a Texas alum, my reaction is more of the eye-rolling variety :)

Last week's was the best episode of the series up until that point. And "Home" is now the best of the series up to this point. Let's hope there's an even better hour looming down the line, be it this season or next!

Drama is life with the boring parts cut out - maybe he did after we'd cut away :)

I believe they're doing 13 eps this season.