The Porkchop Express

David Hyde Pierce taking off his mustache was it for me. Gene and Mitch's fight was pretty good too. Michael Showalter's WTF face is always funny. Only Christopher Meloni comes close. Also: "You hurt my feelings when you made fun of me by saying I like pizza. Pizza is yummy…. I forgot my coat."

Yeah, they really don't add anything to the group. They're just kinda there for the arbitrary love triangle bit, which I don't think was pulled off very well.

But she uses it in a completely different way.

It's not a surprise that we didn't remember who she was right off the bat. She's not that talented of an actress. All of her performances up until then were real groaners.

Bubba Ho-Tep is that movie for me. If you watch and don't like it, we can still be friends. If you do, you get let into the clubhouse.

Or the era where you can somehow spin that into a successful career like Quentin Tarantino.

Best summary of Boogie Nights I ever heard from a rental store clerk (remember those?): "It's about the rise and fall of a porn star. No pun intended."

I was watching it at my friend's home with his wife. At some point she gets up to go check on the kids. He recognizes one of the actresses but can't place her and asks if I know. I too recognize her but don't know from where. He checks IMDB on his phone and realizes that it's Belladonna. "Please don't tell my wife

I think most of the audience would have let it slide if the nips hadn't been missing from Batgirl's costume.

You, good sir, have earned that upvote.

Or Uwe Boll.

When you buy your ticket at the movie theater, they're just going hold up a still photograph and then wave you on.

I have a feeling that the whole family is going down.

I liked the stuff did Prince did for the Batman soundtrack. It's not his best work, but even Batdance has a hell of a rhythm to it. I think the big reason it's looked down upon is because it just didn't fit the film at all. Burton slapped together this weird Gothic/Art Deco/70's exploitation vibe and had to put a pop

Just keep in mind that the Oscars were all just Louis B. Mayer's way to trick his employees into giving him better work output by giving them a meaningless trinket instead of a raise.

It was. He admitted it enthusiastically during the press junkets for the film.

It's more like a group of frat boys with one guy with an engineering degree who has to figure out how to do fart jokes with robots.

And to never get into a land war in southeast Asia.

If anything deserves the HBO prestige treatment, it's this more than Game of Thrones.

The second I saw that they moved action into New York City, I knew it would be garbage. Yeah, some of the books takes place there, but not so much with Roland. It's a movie adaptation budget saver cliché that I've hated since I was a kid.