The Porkchop Express

The bit in the trailer where he's dropping the bullets into the spinning cylinder looked cool. The bit near the end where he slides those cylinders over the bullets in mid-air looked dumb as shit. I said as much to my friends. One was told me, "You don't know what you're talking about. That was badass." I then

They tried it, but the cats wouldn't play with the basketballs they bought because they were too busy jumping around in the big plastic store bags they came in.

The first and third Die Hard movies are fantastic to me for that reason. They quickly began forget that and further pushed Willis into that whole over the top action star that dominated in the 80's. Casting him as a doctor at this point is the exact same as casting Arnold Schwarzenegger as a doctor.

Hollywood seems incapable of understanding the concept of the 'every man' that stories like this are about. "Who should we cast in the roll of an average, everyday professional who has a psychotic break and goes on a killing spree?" "How about 30 year action movie veteran Bruce Willis?"

They did but it starred Jonah Hill.

People forget the scene where Kersey vomits after killing a guy. It's a lot like Goodfellas. A lot of people watch it an think "It'd be awesome to be in the mob." And those people are idiots.

I believe Ron is mandated by law to hire his brother for every movie he makes. Or is it just their mother who mandates it? Either way, Ron has no choice.

'Wise' and 'TV network executive' do not go together.

Kim got famous for being on a sex tape with a low grade rapper.

It suddenly became a non-military organization in the 70's after the rabid fandom and conventions started. Before that it was clear that it was military organization that happened to promote exploration and scientific discoveries. You know, like our current military.

I never consider the books or comics or spoken word performances as cannon. It's why I wasn't angered when Lucas ignored them for the prequels (there were plenty of other things in the prequels to be angry about) or when Disney got rid of the Expanded Universe.

Aren't you aware that in Star Trek Starfleet, the massive organization with hundreds of ships with massive weapons systems and a navy like ranking system that is involved in wars and espionage, isn't a military organization?

Who let Joel Schumacher on the design committee?

Outside the US because I don't think the CBS streaming service will be available in other countries.

If anything I'd use Nemesis as a jumping off point for a Romulan civil war; but as I pointed out up above, I think the movie plot points are off limits since the splitting of the movie and TV rights and Viacom as a company.

I think TNG and DS9 did a good job of having enough differences in the rig designs to help make the Klingons look distinctive. It was like each family had their own distinctive foreheads.

It's for butt stuff.

NCIS, NCIS:LA, NCIS:New Orleans, NCIS: Buffalo, NCIS:The Moon.

There's also the episode where Wesley falls into a pool of water on the holodeck and is still wet when he leaves.

I read that in Zap Brannigan's voice.