The Porkchop Express

Well, seeing as how most of their food is replicated and their spare time is spent in holodecks, it seems as though the people of the Star Trek future have long ago accepted that their lives are shams.

I believe that the new rebooted universe is technically off limits because Viacom split up the movie and TV rights between Paramount and CBS. When the company split, Paramount and CBS were separated too. It seems that now anything in the movies can't cross over to the TV production. There's a new Star Trek pencil &

You could easily show the Breen in their own environment/ships without the helmets. That would give a make-up artist a blank canvas to create something new for an old creature that doesn't involve surplus Star Wars costumes.

That's what the enlisted crew and buckets of Clorox are for.

Considering all the other versions of Jerry were sad sacks, this Jerry could be the biggest sad sack out of all of them. The Croenenberg dimensions Jerry is the exclusion.

Or maybe just Jerry has finally snapped. Both times there was no one else around. I wouldn't be surprised if the wolf wasn't a figment as well.

Well, he was married to Beth with the kids for years before Rick showed up. Rick is the most Rick of Ricks and C137 Morty is the Mortiest of Morties. Maybe this Jerry is the Jerriest of Jerries.

Morty is also a kid. He's going to interpret everything that's happening through his own emotions and experiences, which at the time had him in a nihilistic wasteland where murder was everything from survival to entertainment.

I'm waiting for that and the 'loser' whisper to be revealed as some part of Rick's extended revenge on Jerry.

"You are allowed to say 'bazinga'."
"I'd rather not."

So it was just like a season 1 episode.

Yeah, the giant war could make people reevaluate their nationalistic, ethnic, and economic ideologies; but it would also more likely drive many people deeper into their faith. Especially not religions that have lasted thousands of years.

How much Jamie Farr are we talking about here?

Barry sacrificing himself to save the universe was heroic not tragic. It's all this new 52 BS with his parents dying and shit. The thing about Barry Allen was that he decided to become the Flash because he read the WW II era comic books with Jay as a kid. Wally got his powers through the exact same freak accident that

Can we just have a Barry Allen who isn't a tragic figure?

This pun thread is already on Rocky ground.

The great thing about this interview is that he comes off exactly as I imagined him to be from what little behind the scenes stuff I'd seen of him.

Met Lovett at a con about 15 years ago. He was pretty grumpy then too. It may of been because he was sharing a table with Holly Mark II Hattie Hayridge, who was just so damned lovely to talk to. She pressured him into taking a picture with her and me.

But only Yeager was able to put it back together afterwards.

Alt-righters who latch onto South Park are no different than the bullies who love Grand Theft Auto games. The pop culture feeds their needs, not create it.