The Porkchop Express

Hill even had a cameo.

The main point of that title is to link it to Dawn of the Dead.

I shall now use that description for the movie with everyone from work from now on. As a matter of fact, I'll use it for the description of every movie they ask me about.

There's also Jon Hamm and Jamie Foxx cursing a lot. Does that help?

PKD did have a news clown run for president in one of his novellas.

This sound vaguely familiar. Are we sure that we're not living in a Philip K. Dick story?

He kinda is.

In a theater? Was it the actual 3D of the movie or just all the masturbation that made your experience unfortunate?

He was the first major supporter (outside of maybe Lucas) for creating 100% CGI characters. As much as it's been overused, it's allowed for a lot of things to be made into films that wouldn't have otherwise. Also, I have to admit that the opening scene in Avatar where they're brining everyone out of stasis was a


Which they use to connect with all the animals they ride. No one's noticed all that bestiality in a major Hollywood blockbuster movie.

I believe that it's always been on Mondays. At least it was for the second season.

At this point it's all rumor. I don't take anything as the gospel, but I see no need to hold EW's (which is just a glorified gossip mill/PR tool) over a site that exclusively deals with all SW related news/rumors.

I watched it for five seasons because my friends were into it and wanted to talk about it all the time. It was okay at first. After a while it seemed like it was fast forwarding through any character moments that might actually be interesting. Plus, I couldn't understand all the devotion and loyalty to Rick as a

The way I try to describe the show to people who haven't seen it is, "The first couple of seasons I would have told you that it's a show about a good man doing the wrong things for the right reason. Turns out it's not about that."

Those are the same people who watch Goodfellas and want to join the mob.

A lot of references to an 'Ace Ventura' style of performance from Alden Ehrenreich.

That kinda seems to be the truth. New word out now is that the actor playing Han is the one who called the producers because he felt that Miller and Lord were turning the character into a big joke.

Singer stated that he was making a sequel to Superman II. At least the one Donner was making. Any differences were made by the replacement director and were pretty much the scene in the small town Zod and company attack, minor changes in the Metropolis fight scene, and the crazy powers in the Fortress of Solitude.