The Porkchop Express

Plus, I'm supposed to be playing the same Superman as a 25 year-old movie which means that I broke my promise to the President of the USA to never be gone again and just fucked off into space for six years.

No, they'll just enter him into every sport in the Olympics for every Soviet block country.

Thomas Jane put in better Punisher performances after the movie. His voice over for the video game was spot on as was that fan film of him doing laundry. That movie was just a mess, though. It had a lot of Punisher moments but it was just too stupid to work. They killed his whole family. LITERALLY his entire family!

Superman: Red Son starring Yakov Smirnoff.

Superman: Wayward Son.

Too bad he didn't succeed.

I'd like to see them do it animated, which is much more likely.

He's admittedly on a run of turning out IP to sell to studios.

Yep. Superman is actually Lex's descendant sent back in time when the Earth's sun shifts red.

I would prefer that it just ends up on that island where Doug McClure got stuck.

The Silver Age got crazy.

You can't let a Randian Objectivist have control over a truly altruistic characters.

That is one of the most tense scenes in cinematic history. Mr. Incredible pleading and the cuts back and forth between him, the plane interior, and the missile just ratchets it up. Fantastic scene all the way around.

No, that's another website.

Adric died with the dinosaurs in the gigantic explosion that led to their extinction. He's kinda an unusual case.

Yes, but not "I am your father!" or "There is no try." There's a difference between making a line that better fits the character and moment than trying to make the whole movie on the fly. That can work with comedy, but I don't think space operas benefit too much.

He was also the director of The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith.

This is why I… 'obtain' my episodes of Who from more… 'British' sources.

Adric is probably oil and not a Cyberman.

I was having a flashback to Metallica's 'One' video.