The Porkchop Express

Commando is the Arnie movie that all other Arnie movies are cloned from. Except Conan the Barbarian.

Hollywood seems to be a place with its head placed firmly up its own ass.

Can anyone really be called a needless dick to Jim Carrey?

I almost walked out when he pulled out the Bat-torch. But a friend of mine had convinced me that it was a good movie and the best Batman so far, so I stuck it out. It didn't occur to me until much later in the movie that he absolutely loved the Adam West TV and was influenced by that while I grew up reading the comics.

I remember finding a web page in the early internet days made by a guy just to bash Batman & Robin. I didn't like the movie, but this guy had a jihad against it. He was even talking shit about Jerry Goldsmith's score. Say what you want about the movie, but you're not going to win too many converts by calling a

I don't think they realized it until it was much too late. ie opening night.

WB already showed us that with Steel and Catwoman.

DC Cabs.

This is why you can never invite David Warner over to play Gears of War.

There was that moment where they were at the bar playing the game about how they'd con people. At that moment she could tell that Jimmy was taking it too seriously and was willing to actually do it.

I didn't until I just looked it up on Youtube. I remembered the 'punchline' of it as soon as the camera turned and showed us the waterfront.

I was like 9 or 10 when the movie came out and saw it in the theatre. It's been one of my favorite since then.

The Jacqueline arc has been thread bare this season. Smooshing Russ looks to be a bad overall choice. I didn't like the resolution of that bit at all. There have been some funny bits to come out of the arc, but it just seems to be treading water.

I like that he was invited to go out with them after work too. Andrea Martin is always a great addition.

How did Barney stay so energetic? That's right! Cocaine!

You're right. He's over-qualified for soap operas.

The guy who created it is a genius.
"We need a 26 minute long show, but you only gave us a budget to film 12."
"Just show each bit again."
"Again! Again!"

My friend and his wife hate Caillou. They don't want their kids watching it because he's a little bastard and looks like a cancer patient.

They're letting him really live the character in all senses. This way they get to just pay him scale.

I'm sure Jamie Farr is free.