The Porkchop Express

*Banjo music plays*

It seems like 6 of one, half a dozen of the other as Jimmy did starting taking from the till. But you are right as Jimmy pointed out in this episode that his father really wasn't a business man. Jimmy was just getting his before his father gave it all away.

I wouldn't say that he knows exactly, but I bet he's got a running guesstimate going. Nacho needed to keep the number relatively close. He's probably being very meticulous as this is the most dangerous thing he's tried to pull off.

It was shown earlier in the season that Kim's been living out of her office and using the shower at a nearby gym in the mornings. So his dialogue indicates that he saw her when she came home 2 days before to pick up clothes. But you can see the rift beginning to form in their relationship. The guilt from burying Chuck

Well, as long as he didn't say anything.

Prep work for later in the day. For a restaurant that opens at 11 AM, you could have people in there as early as 6 to do all the prep work and managing inventory.

I want to see Kimmy's ban picture. The face she was making when the flash went off was fantastic.

It doesn't help that Feig seems to have very little talent as a director.

Where is Tony? Who is he with? What is he thinking? Is he thinking of me?

The real boobs were the studio executives. AmIright?! Eh?! Eh?!

I can't remember the movie; but when I was a kid, I saw a behind the movie about one of Robin Williams's films. The director was talking about all the improving that Robin did. It boils down to no matter how many really funny things Robin improvs for a scene that the director has to do what's best for the movie and

I'm sure his preferred breakfast has more of a white powdery substance to it.

I do, but I watched a lot of old movies as a kid.

And the '89 Batman.

You could have had the same cast and it be set in the same world as the original. Imagine how interesting it would be to have Ghostbusters be as commonplace now as Orkin or Termanix? That's where the second one should have went, but Aykroyd likes repeating himself too much to avoid rehashing the formation of the team.

Yes. A movie with a predominately female cast can still be of poor quality. You had a quality cast, but not everything else was up to snuff.

As do I. Saddles requires too much pop culture knowledge to get all of the jokes. Frankenstein was just riffing on the Universal movies but didn't require you to know them to enjoy them. They're both still damn funny and better than most comedies ever made. That's just my reasoning for how I rank them.

Even more was the choice of music for that scene. I can still hear it in my head anytime I think of that movie. It's just well put together.

I think he was always a fantastic performer. When it came to writing, he always went a little too far off. Many of his ideas would have probably been better as books or comics than films.

I renounce anyone who doesn't think that Spies Like Us is a classic.