The Porkchop Express

People seem to forget that the Mummy movies with Brendan Frasier were money makers for Universal.

When it comes to Hollywood, any question that begins with 'did they learn' is always answered with 'No!'.

I think that the Invisible Man might still be under protection in England, which is why they changed the character name in the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen movie.

I, Frankenstein was based off of a graphic novel written by a guy who created Underworld. It wasn't a spin off, though there were plans for the franchises to cross over that never happened.

Plus, there were titties.

Crispin Glover as the Invisible Man.

Well, Alex Kurtzman is involved…

Kinda redundant, isn't it?

Universal has been trying again and again since the 80's to re-launch their monster properties. A combined universe just seems to be the latest gimmick.

It was much better than people give it credit for. I guess the timing was off. I don't know.

Well, aren't you so high and mighty in your Jesus Christ pose.

They used trademark law because of the addition of 'Dublin' to the label. Plus, they were selling outside of their licensed territory. I think the bottler is creating it's own line of sodas now.

I think that there is a live action movie.

My co-worker and I were just talking about how we wanted a shirt with that and a picture of a Skeksis on it.

Candy cigars were utter shit.

And now on a Thursday. Damnit! We have these things scheduled for a reason.

Yeah, I can dig that summation. It's using the best Muppets formula in a non-Muppets movie.

It's great if you ever wanted to know what a 3D Sandman cover would look like. Otherwise it's just okay. Not bad, but not great. Taking into consideration that it was McKean's first movie, he did a good job.

That's why I loved old school Doctor Who. Some of that stuff was crazy weird but fantastic.

Maybe it wasn't the best. I did have a two cigarette candy pack a day habit back then.