The Porkchop Express

We've become a culture that shelters kids too much these days. I had to have watched it when I was about six or seven and was mesmerized by it. The Secret of NIMH was my favorite animated movie as a kid as well. We do kids no favors shielding them from emotions rather than teaching them at a young age that it's okay

Especially when you remember how smug and self-indulgent the PhDs
from those universities tend to be…..

No. That was Star Trek to prove to fans that there can be bad Star Trek.

We'll know how fucked we are when the opening credits are set to a song by The Who.

Most importantly, where did he pick up his fetish for human ass.

"Don't screw this one up CBS."

No. He just saw the guy with the knife sneaking up behind her.

Lifelong Trekkie. IN A 12 STEP PROGRAM.

I'd be happy if they just made him the voice of the computer.

I just want the next five minutes of the show after that line to be them sitting around waiting for something to happen, but it never does.

" apparently, French people in the future speak with English accents."

He's already done all the necessary calculations on his TI-85 to complete a successful highing of fives.

I liked Enterprise. I think it was hurt by the ignorance of a certain producer to try and wipe away the Trekness with a shittastic opening theme and lack of 'Star Trek' in the title.

Compared overall, TNG has a better track record than (though if it had been cut short in it's third season like TOS this would not be so), but TOS has the better individual stories. 'The City of the Edge of Forever' is probably the single greatest Trek episode ever.

Meyer understood Trek better than Roddenberry did.

Voyager is Star Trek for fans who don't understand that there can be bad Star Trek.

A friend of mine does a spot on imitation of Walken. Sometimes in college when we got good and drunk, we'd mute the TV and pretend that there is an alternate world out there where Walken never became a movie star and instead did voice over work for commercials and nature programs.

There used to be a bottler for Dr. Pepper in Texas (one of the first) that still used cane sugar. You used to be able to by cases of it online. Then Snapple sued them and made them stop.

It's cheaper than cocaine.

Life inside a Pokeball is tougher than I ever figured.