The Porkchop Express

"Gazpacho soup!"

American Dad at least has structure where Family Guy is about setting up one non sequitur after another. Also, AD seems to understand how homage works while FG is just blatantly ripping off other movies and TV shows.

What do you call a lawyer with an IQ of 100?
What do you call a lawyer with an IQ of 50?

All Conan needed was for Hugh Grant to pick up another tranny prostitute and show up for an interview afterwards. It helped Jay get the Tonight Show out of the post Johnny slump.

Yes, because large corporations have never exploited the health and well being of the labor force to gain more profit. That's exactly the kind of fault that I was speaking of.

I think a factor that constantly gets forgotten in these reviews is that Doctor Who is still a kids' show for the most part. Empty suits marching around aren't enough to 'get the kids behind the sofa' as they like to say in Britain.

Seeing it as a love letter to comic books and recognizing the little nods Moffat threw in makes it enjoyable if not rewatchable.

"Kill the Moon" has to be one of the worst episodes in all of Who history. His Zygon two parter wasn't any better.

The problem with any 'ism' is the human factor. On paper capitalism, communism, and socialism all work. The problem is that not everyone acts the same and stays within the lines. It's good to see the imperfection of all these philosophies being pointed out. Namely, us.


The way he acted the whole roast was hilarious. I can't remember who it was that tried to call him on the fact that he was reading the paper during the roast by linking it to Norm apparently having a gambling habit. "No, I was just in the mood for something funny; so I'm reading 'Marmaduke'."

Yeah, I think that you're probably reading too much into that. It was a damn funny joke.

He didn't say that environmentalism was a Ponzi Scheme. He was saying that the whole 'the children are our future' saying is a Ponzi Scheme. It was a different bit that came from his joke about separating recyclables.

A yell and a scream is 'A'. A scream followed by two yells is 'B'. A scream, yell, scream, yell is 'C'…

I was still rolling with laughter. His worst is still better than most people's best. I can never forget how he dominated the Bob Saget Roast.

That was Jimmy's goal. Chuck's disease was the bait and switch. The whole lead up was the fact that Jimmy took care of Chuck when he was at his weakest while Chuck was keeping Jimmy down. Chuck admitted that he set Jimmy up, which makes whether or not Chuck really has an allergy to electricity moot as the whole

There have been several times where I've laughed out loud, which I don't do unless something is really, really funny.

You had to have Chuck give testimony to bring that into question. This wasn't a legal preceding like a criminal trial. It was the Bar Association trying to decide if Jimmy should be able to continue to practice law. Jimmy didn't need to show that Chuck didn't actually suffer from a disease. He had to show that Chuck's

In all honesty, he'd be doing us all a favor if he did that.

It's been a while, so I don't remember that bit.