The Porkchop Express

I think this might be the reason Jimmy had her show up at the hearing. It wasn't about bringing Chuck down in front of the one he loves. I think Jimmy still loves Chuck as a brother and cares for him. Having Rebecca there to see how bad off Chuck is might be his ploy to get her to come back and take care of him.

Those were characters created outside of Laverne and Shirley the McKean and Lander were able to get into the show. They even had a Lenny & the Squigtones album with Christopher Guest playing guitar.

Well, the hearing wasn't a competency hearing for Chuck; so having the doctor testify wouldn't be pertinent to issue as hand. Jimmy asking the questions that he was came about because they board gave him leeway because the prosecutor had made Chuck's illness a central point of his examination to give context to the

I think Howard was also shielding Chuck in the same way as when he took the heat for not hiring Jimmy. Chuck is the one who didn't want to leave HHM. Howard liked Jimmy and didn't want to sacrifice Jimmy's love for Chuck by telling the truth in both situations. Not even in the hearing. The tape of Jimmy confessing to

Except the worker falling off the ad sign in season one. That was a coincidence, but Chuck believes that Jimmy is that crooked. He also believed that Jimmy would sneak into his house at night to steal the tape under the cover of darkness. The rant is great because it builds on the stuff that Jimmy did do but keeps

Yeah, a kitchen will slack off at a moment's notice if you aren't on their ass. I don't know about high end, fancy pants restaurants; but that sure is true for all the ones I've worked in.

Let's face it. If you can't run a business successfully to begin with, having some guy come in to change the menu and dress the place up isn't going to fix the real problem.

Oh, Jesus! That one guy who had maxed out their credit cards and then opened up new accounts without his wife knowing to max them out was terrible to watch. You could see a marriage ending right there on screen.

I think a lot of it is in the editing. You'll notice that sometimes they'll skip judges, or it might seem like they cut them off. Seems like they try to be constructive, but constructive doesn't get the Neilsens.

Isn't that the one where he opened up the chicks restaurant without her for lunch?

In the new American Graffiti, he dies during a horrible drag racing accident.

I think Michael Bay was the one who brought that line into common usage.

The first one was a good mix of some of my favorite types of films: sci-fi, kung-fu, anime, and guns blazing action films. The sequels succumbed to the worst trapping of those genres when the creators begin to treat their movie more as a philosophical essay than what it really is.

It's sad that we live in a day and age where we aren't allowed to be surprised by movies anymore.

As my grandfather used to say, "Wish in one hand, shit in the other, and see which one fills up first."

I really do think that the marketing for that movie was dead on and the biggest reason for its success both at the box office and simply as entertainment. It gave you just enough to build curiosity without giving too much away. The reveal of the digital prison and Neo being let loose in a horrible, dystopian future

Weapon X marks the spot.

And Anson Mount looks like he's having a hard poo.

Seems you got the 5th grade edition. My 4th grade edition has variations of 'fart'.

Am I seriously supposed to be impressed that they made a cold sandwich quickly? Cuz that really seems to be the main reason people tell me to go there.