The Porkchop Express

I don't remember that show being on HBO or Netflix.

I just don't think that a movie is the way to go. If HBO or Netflix would have opened up the pocket book no this, a long form TV show would have been the shit.

Yeah, by the 70's Brando was only interested in acting as a way to get paid. He would deliberately be difficult and refuse to learn lines. The pauses and constant moving his head was for him to read the cue cards out of frame.

The key here is to buy off the sound guy to feed him the line "Why, yes, you can have all of my money. Smile while you hand him the duffle bags I told you to stuff with cash this morning."

Alice in Phone-it-in-land.

It's kinda the sad thing about Cruise. That dude is totally into everything to make the experience more engrossing for the audience. It makes you respect the guy. Then you remember the crazy stuff.

"The end was kind of a downer. But then I had this idea: What if Jesus rose from the dead?!"

They haven't yet recovered since Bowie died.


I remember that Conan paid his writers through the strike anyway out of his own pocket.

In all fairness we are a few million years late on the rent.

It does as long as you don't give a shit if anyone else gets it.

My friend and I still use: "Fudge, Packer?"

There was also the fact that many writers were being force to write webisodes for their shows (Battlestar Galactica being one of the big ones) without getting extra pay. It was a time when the big conglomerates were suing people for uploading movies, TV, and music and claiming losses of billions of dollars of online

That's because the more peripherals you require for your console game, the few units you're going to sell. It's why no one makes games for XBox's Kinect. When it was sold with all XBox Ones, you could guarantee that everyone who had an XBox had a Kinect and could use it in the game. As soon as Microsoft stepped back

"Movie idea #2,305: Adam Sandler is trapped on a deserted island and falls in love with a coconut."

If she asks, just say that you got all that stuff so that all the little girls in the neighborhood would have a safe place to play. There's no way for that to fail.

No, you're good as long as you clean up the imaginary toys before she comes over. You don't want to have to explain that.

I remember when it got to the point that he was even getting credited in the movie trailers.

I believe he goes by Bobcat Blackthaite.