The Porkchop Express

Yeah, those pointy ears are hard to miss.

"We had to go back to the design phase when it was pointed out to us that the ship's saucer looks like one of those cheap toys elementary kids can get for selling candy bars for the school."

I want to agree with you, but then I'm afraid of episodes where the Borg are now a race in the Federation.

I'm already looking forward to the documentary about it more than I am the series itself.

Hey! You gotta finish my Transformers script first. Michael Bay is expecting it next week, and how would it look if I turned in my script in your handwriting?

He's not catholic, so masturbation isn't consi… oh… you're talking about that not giving the cure episode. Never mind.

I bet the main computer was overloaded with holodeck requests for Troi and Crusher.

I'm just going to wait for the inevitable 7-day free trial.

The Ferengi were great when the DS9 writers realized that they just needed to stop the Capitalism=Bad BS and just have fun with them.

I now need this show to exist.

Yeah, you can't really have the main concept be about how they're cut off and limited but still write very classic Trek episodes with a lot of damage to the ship and loss of crew/shuttle craft.

I did notice two big differences.

Pretty much this.

It's possible. It's also possible that he's just riding the gravy train of the guy who repeatedly cheated on his mother and was more of a fatherly protector to Wil Wheaton than him. And I wouldn't blame him for it.

I think it's funny that they're selling Roddenberry's son's inclusion in this production as being in keeping with Gene's vision. That guy did a documentary about how he and his father didn't get along and how little he actually knew about Star Trek.

"Most people who are going to end up watching this show don't even know it's in production now."

7 of 9 failed because you already had a Vulcan as a main character. Too many "I don't understand these human emotions" characters just doesn't work.

TNG and DS9 were syndicated darlings (TNG more so than DS9). I honestly believer that Voyager only got it's 7 seasons because Paramount was trying to use it to prop up their new network and that's how many they gave TNG & DS9.

I think Trek itself was starting to collapse under the weight of the Rodenberry revisions that happened for TNG. DS9 was a great little mini-rebellion against it, but I don't think they were able to pull off giving lip service to that BS while also taking the piss out of it that well ever again.

Does Neilsen also count the dead corpses staring blankly at the screen until the neighbors notice the smell and collection of feral cats?