The Porkchop Express

It's a dated reference. I knew I was taking my chances when I posted it.

Whenever I upgraded to the new system, my parents took the old one. I'm pretty sure if I go through their storage that I'll find the old Atari 2600, NES, and SNES consoles.

Having the whole family together playing it must have been a Kodiak moment.

Ah, the pre-internet days of easily accessible porn.

It's not our fault you loaned out your weather machine to Cobra Commander. That guy never returns anything in the same condition he got it.

Well, Shiite.

The funniest thing is the outtake show where they travel in time. Chappelle showing how quickly Charlie got into character was funny in and of itself.

I don't know what people are thinking being so critical of it considering one of the opening bits is a soda vending machine attacking kids. AND an AC/DC soundtrack!

I see Maximum Overdrive as being in the same vein as Creepshow. It's just King and co. making their own version of something they enjoyed. It's not a great film, but it's a good one to drink a beer and unwind to.

Pretty much everything Tim Burton's done. He's an artist and has an eye for composition, but he's not a storyteller. If there isn't a good script in place, he doesn't have the skills to work around the weaknesses. If you look at anything where he has more control over the scripting process, you see how weak he is in

That's why I'm not a big Werner Herzog fan. Guess what! It's a film. It's fake. You're supposed to give the illusion of reality and not have a bunch of natives actually hauling a passenger boat up one side of a mountain and down another.

How many shots does Paramount get at making their own TV station work?

If you just give them a chance, you may find yourself taking a Shining to them.

If the FCC doesn't do it, I don't think that the airlines can. It's been a great number of years, but I remember a movie theater losing a court case because they had cell signal blocking material installed in the walls of their theaters. The ruling was that the theater had no legal right to block the signals and that

Just have them step outside to use it.

I think that it's terrible that you would consider banning children from those places.

That and the gremlins on the wings.

I'd also ban them in movie theaters. Shit's too expensive for me to have to listen to some asshole or have his/her screen light up a darkened theater.

I have a Windows phone. It's a different type of texting altogether.

I'm always surprised when I read or hear someone talking about how annoying and loud Americans are. I work at a university with international students who love to sit in the hallway outside my office and talk ever so loudly on cell phones (or just to each other) without any consideration that they're in the middle of