The Porkchop Express

Even before that. About '00 or '01 I overheard a woman in a store using one to talk to her… let's just say very demanding husband.

I think that the more in its own little world Wes Anderson films are, the better they are.

Another reason location shooting was done on film was because video cameras were too large to be portable and/or required a lot of support equipment.

Let's face it. If Harrison Ford can't land a fucking plane properly, what chance does the average schmuck have?

Not to mention all the people who wouldn't be able to bank right without first slightly banking left.

The Replicant Detection System would have cost another 25 cents a unit. The bean counters nixed that idea.

I don't think that it's so much a problem with the mechanics of creating a flying car as it is the fear of handing such a device over to the public at large.

"I have a life-sized map of the Earth.

A child can do that too, which is how they present his mental ability. He's not stupid, but he's also not very clever. His reaction to Deckard killing Zhora is a very emotional one where Roy Batty still remains in control despite his anger.

Wouldn't you then chalk it up to 'God's will' rather than natural selection?

The Kitty Pryde pic can be debated, but the Colossus one is pretty stand out. I noticed his shirt in the pic and thought it was weird before reading the article to get the context. That should have stood out and sent up the red flags. The problem with the editor job at both DC and Marvel for the past 15 years or so is

Except that creating and expanding is exactly what Bay did because that bombastic action style that's been driving people crazy for the last 20 years?

Bay seems to be like what I've experienced working in academia. There is a vast difference with knowledge and intelligence. A knowledgeable person can regurgitate or reproduce. An intelligent person can utilize that knowledge to create and expand. Bay knows technically how a film works but is in no way able to use

VHS was still the dominant medium until well into the first few years of the 2000's. That's when the price of DVD's and DVD players came down close enough to VHS for it to take over.

Or doesn't like gladiator movies?

And then duct taping them into a burlap bag and leaving them out in the wilderness. Man, childhood was such a magical time.

That's actually the name of the website I go to for current events.

It's a very Philip K. Dick twist since he loved to play with the concepts of identity and reality.

Did you mean Legend?

All the dishes got broken, and the car kept drivin'.