The Porkchop Express

That might be a bit extreme…

My favorite ep. is when he's stealing organs from the other school kids to be able to pass as human for the medical check-up.

I just want the timeline where Phil Hartman's wife wasn't a homicidal nutjob.

Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

This legal decision could have a haunting effect on the industry.

Better late than never.

It's Madonna. She was all banged out by the end of the 80's.

I'm just waiting for someone to come around to the old original legends and have Arthur and his knights as bad ass monster slayers.

I might have to finish watching the first season. I stopped after the third episode because I felt that it was missing the buddy road movie vibe that made the book fun.

Lucas has announced plans to re-release these commercials with new computer generated FX. The problem was that the technology at the time was limited and didn't allow him to clog up the frame with useless technical wizardry of creatures he never even had imagined at the time the original commercials were shot. Plus,

When will Hollywood learn that Dax Shepard isn't a movie star? And they better keep him the hell away from Michael Pena's career.

You're thinking of Velvet Goldmine.

With all those safes dropping, there's bound to be several unsolved toonicides out there.

Are you sure you want him touching them after they're clean?

We've been over this before. That's your nose.

I like that it seems that he followed Star Trek.

It's a fantastic movie that puts some logic to its premise. For a movie that pretty much takes place in one damn room, it's pretty engrossing.

Or that Jean Luc's brother was the head 'Nazis' in Top Secret.

I am completely awestruck by how easily people are willing to pass off their babies for other people to hold. You're literally putting that baby's life in that person's hands. I don't want any of that responsibility.

Mmmmmmm… waffles…