The Porkchop Express

That is until he starts making those sounds while you're trying to figure out why he put a Ritz cracker in the BluRay player.

He'll send a text about meeting together without any real dates, locals, or events mentioned in a few days to her Fisher-Price cell phone.

Don't laptops fold closed?

Kids that young don't really do well without constant coaching. The parent(s) may have been behind convincing the girl that the water heater was a robot, but her reaction could well be genuine.

Everyone keeps telling me that I should have kids because I'm good with them. I simply just don't talk down to them because I hated that when I was a kid. Plus, I tend to walk away from the kids when I've had enough of them. That's not really a good parent quality. It's a lot easier being an uncle. I can just pass the

It just depends on if she decided that the water heater was the robot or if her parents thought that it would be 'cute' to tell her that it was a robot.

This is why I support separate bathrooms for robots. To protect our innocent children from predators like this.

He'd just have an imaginary robot for his imaginary daughter. Going out and getting the real thing seems like it defeats the purpose of having an imaginary one.

That robot's no Jinx from Space Camp.

He'll then take the form of a violin.

It was there in the movie, and it made the Cap/Tony split make a helluva lot more sense than the comics ever did.

"Now open your texts books to the chapter discussing the 'upcoming' 1996 election."

He wasn't talking about height.

"Ok, that hands free phone and internet hot spot stuff is nice; but can I get laid in it?"

"Holy shit! Intermittent windshield wipers! What wizardry is this!"

Um… It was just a stupid joke. No one thinks that.

I drove a hatchback before it was cool to drive one. Not because I was a hipster douche. I just couldn't afford anything else. Finally got to where I could afford a 4 door sedan and almost instantly missed how easy it was to toss something into the hatch like an end table and take off. It doesn't come up much anymore,

That's how I felt about the Buick campaign with people not recognizing the new 'cool' Buicks.

As shitty as that movie was, Arnie did exactly what he was hired to do.