The Porkchop Express

Snyder knows the source material, but he's a Randian Objectivist. He can't understand the altruistic nature of a character like Superman. Nor can he understand that the Batman in DKR is an old, bitter Batman who ramps up his use of violence to overcome his slowing, aging body and release that pent up feeling of

Not on it. In it. The weight of the house forced it down into the ground.

I think you have to look at the differences of the source material as well. Superman and Batman are deliberately non-lethal heroes. Batman can be shrouded in noir violence, but Superman is full on Saturday morning action. Wolverine is a character that has constantly been very violent to the point that it was a major

That was more a point of Tony's tunnel vision and hubris than him not adopting his new non-lethal philosophy.

Anime is like most things. A good bit of it is at best mediocre. There are some gems, and a lot of shit. There are some stand outs, but the downfall for a lot of anime for me is that they take themselves way too seriously and act like they're philosophical treatises on humanity.

I can't wait for the cartoon adaptation where we get the Stephen Hawking sounding monologues.

It can be two things.

Wasn't the point of that first Marvel movie that the arms dealer stopped making lethal weapons?

I want to imagine that somehow those two incidents are related.

"I live in Japan. We don't go for that kinky shit here!"

"Can you hold my toes apart for me?"

People who vape for any other reason than quitting smoking are the same crowd that Mike's Hard whatever is being created for. For god's sake their slogan is essentially: "For people who want to get drunk but are pussies."

I know. At this point we should really have a ready to go Tae Kwon infantry able to be dispatched quickly and efficiently to defend all bounce houses across the nation.

I think more people would be familiar with other moves like the piledriver, DDT, or the bulldog (though that one wasn't really a finisher). Those, I think, have become mainstream terms from the old territory days. They might not have the branded names of the stunner or RKO, but more people will probably know them than

At least he gives credit to the guy who stood on his foot for being smart enough to sell it and not get up afterwards. It's been a long while since I've kept up with wrestling. Is there anybody left in the business with the mastery of ring psychology like Roberts anymore?

YouTube actually has some matches, especially some of the older territory era stuff in the 80's. You'll see that back in those days, there were different types of wrestling across the US. New York (ie the current WWE) was always a lot more about the characters where in the South there was more of a emphasis on in ring

To overcome that he'd have to have a shitload of charisma like Hulk Hogan. Hogan was also helped by Vince's molding of his image as the 'eat your vitamins and say your prayers' lead face for the Rock'n'Wrestling era of the 80's.

Scottish, Irish, English, and Dutch. So, yeah, my family has been genetically bred to be the lily whitest mf-ers on the planet.

Yeah, it's the same reason people would put Hogan in a sleeper hold. That way when the ref went to check to see if he was still conscious on that third and final bringing up of the arm, it wouldn't fall and instead wag a finger to get the crowd pop for the monster revival.

Snake didn't make it his own. He made it period. He's the originator.