The Porkchop Express

"My grandmother does a more convincing leg drop."
-Lou Thesz

Yeah, people forget that it takes a good wrestler to sell a big move. That's why people like Flair were always top guys in the business. Not only could they wrestle, but they were willing to make their opponents look good which meant bigger draws for shows.

It wasn't 'rape' rape.

I'm not obsessed with it; but if someone asks me, hell yeah I'm all for Polanski being punished for committing a crime he's confessed to.

"Any progress on finding you daughter's killer?"
*Pauses Call of Duty and opens laptop.*

But other than that… Just like the movie.

Can robots be killed? Can you kill something that doesn't live? I mean… they can't feel love. If you've never felt love, then have you ever really lived?

If you cannot bring both, please bring either a torch or a pitchfork. Those of you who have multiple torches and/or pitchforks, please share them with a neighbor(s) so that they may fully participate.

I don't know. Seems 'inevitable doom' is a popular choice with some of the populace.

I'll take that as a 'no' then.

You get two free games a month on Xbox One and another for the 360 if you still have it. And I do. Three games a month plus discounts on other titles makes the investment worth it even if you don't play multiplayer.

They slapped together the already old mock-umentary TV show with The Larry Sanders Show (a show so brilliant that they could never come close to touching it). The Muppets movie they did worked because they understood what made the Muppets work and played with it enough to amuse the current audience without getting rid

You know what else is hard to imagine functioning in the real world? A FUCKING TALKING FROG!

This is CBS we're talking about. More like lighting up a corn cob pipe while reading the paper next to a fire.

DC Fontana was the head writer of the animated show. That's why you had that Trek feeling still be there. I liked the show as a kid when Nickelodeon replayed it in the 80's. Watched some on Netflix and it still holds up. It increased the scope of Trek while condensing the run time.

I liked Enterprise. It had it's rough patches, but so did TNG and DS9. I think too many Trekkies were continuity nerds regarding the show. It's not like Trek ever really had that strong of a continuity to begin with.

I think you have the qualifications to be real CBS executives.

He'd never do it. Instead he'd make a movie with a whole bunch of references to Star Trek mixed in with Spaghetti Westerns and Samurai films while having more dialogue than ST:TMP and an even longer run time.

Don't forget the elasti-tunic for the every increasing captain.

"No, Data, not THAT head."