The Porkchop Express

Everyone knows that's when you change over to blades.

Picard: Number One, it has come to my attention that our Lt. Commander Worf may in fact just be a pussy.

Let's be honest, that dude knew how to tailor his commercials for the kinds of suckers that would buy his crap.

Hold on. Let me check something.

Crimson, copper-smelling blood. His blood. Blood. Blood. Blood… And bits of sick.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one fooled by that. "Hey, I can just scroll through these Netflix like menus and… wait… why is it loading? It's taking me to another damn page? This is just as shitty as before!"

But his Diet Dr. Pepper commercials are funny.

It's like they're progressively making it shittier. Hey, Amazon, if I like one season of a show, I'll probably like the rest. No need to split them up.

Airplane! certainly wasn't a kids movie. Neither was Grease. I think they were normalized for us by the constant TV play they received on network TV. That doesn't happen anymore with the growth of cable.

The young magicians are really taking these new age gimmicks out of hand. I blame Criss Angel.

"Is this your card?"

"For my next trick I shall make my self disappear to a non-extradition country."

Don't be silly. Disney makes sure those bodies are never found. Especially at Disney World. They just feed them to the gators there.

Not to mention the apparent responsibility to employ his entire family.


The Wizard starring David Rappaport and Douglas Barr.

I'm not too far behind you. I have an odd memory and sometimes remember the failed, one season shows better than some of the more popular fare of the 80's. Like Mr. Smith about the talking orangutan with the genius IQ.

I almost went with that one, but I decided to see if there was anyone else who remembered it.

I'm old enough to remember when he was 'that guy in Once Bitten".

I don't know. But after midnight we're gonna let it all hang out.