The Porkchop Express

Failed that public speaking roll, huh?

Did you account for Daylight Savings Time?

Thank you. In a beautiful nerd tangent like this, it's always great to see someone striving for more.

The RNC did that to him. First, he had to move to the fringe right to get the base's vote. Then, they forced Sarah Palin on him. He probably received more hospitality in Nam than he did from the RNC.

I think the 2000 primary broke him with all the dirty shit the Bush campaign did against him.

In all fairness, Hannity was always super-crazy right wing before anyone thought to coin the term 'alt-right' to describe it.

He was hired for Fox for the same reason Elizabeth Hasselbeck was hired for The View. They wanted someone with a different political ideology to look like they were 'well rounded' with their coverage. But god forbid if that person was ever capable of actually defending their position with conviction or clarity of

I was almost convinced until I realized that you were Evil Lincoln and could not be trusted.

Let's be honest, Wolverine's height was always in flux depending upon who was drawing him at the time.

Yeah, but they wait until the last minutes of the match when everyone thinks that there is nothing left that the drop bear can do to win.

It's like Marie Curie. All that brilliant work pioneering research into radioactivity, but then she died from the radiation exposure.

And apparently filters things as well. Thank you. I believe you may have just woken up many men to a daily hazard that the were unaware of. Now, more men will be compelled to grow feces filtering beards to protect their precious skin.

So… you'd rather the feces be directly on the skin of our faces?

The NSA is happy that you own one.

They kinda did, though. Don't forget the report about Russia hacking into the US power grid that turned out to be bunk.

Clearly the only way to prevent global warming is with a nuclear winter.

It was a comic book by EC. Then, there was the anthology movie in the early 70's by British production company Amicus, which was followed up by Vault of Horror, which was another EC title. The second movie actually had more Tales stories than the first. Both borrowed from pretty much EC's entire horror line.

Um… that's why they're called 'secret passages'. If she knew about it, it wouldn't be secret.

"Face in the Crowd" was always relevant. It's just more so now.

It made more money than the first and doubled its budget. It's that weird Hollywood math and concept of 'success' that went against it. I think that with how popular the first was on a smaller budget, the studio probably thought that it should have made even more money than it did and falling shy of that by even the