The Porkchop Express

I believe Mignola was open about how he wasn't happy with the second film. It is clearly more Del Toro's Hellboy than Mignola's. With the time that passed and Mignola himself moving beyond the character, it's not really a surprise that this didn't pan out.

to enter you just have to go to this link and pitch what your Mall Of America writer-in-residence story would be

They're too modest to use the plural form of words when referencing themselves.

I was 13 when Nevermind came out. It dropped in September. Pearl Jam's Ten hit a month before. By the end of October, over half the white guys at school were wearing flannel. It really was a cultural shift for my generation. Most people didn't stick with it and allowed themselves to be taken in by the weaker

At this point, I don't even think Nickelback listens to Nickelback.

Yes, because the media has never ever extensively reported on rape accusations by relying solely on the word of one person.
The Duke Lacrosse Team 2006

I work at a university. We have emails that automatically go out to students when they apply. One of the instructors over a particular concentration noticed that the contact and fax numbers were the generic numbers for the entire department and not specifically to her office. She put in a ticket for IT to change that

At least the producer of St. Elmo's Fire was able to talk Schumacher out of putting nipples on all the male actors' suits.

They'll never read it.

No, that was just a representation to show you where in the cadaver's body they stored the gummies to sneak them past customs.

Yeah, the only way to get IT to do any work is to bribe them with candy.

Soooo… The Three Stooges?

And we're always willing to take that hit in quality just for the quantity.

The Kenny Rogers stuff works because it is so out of left field. My friend and I still make Kenny Rogers's Jackass jokes.

His name got out there so quick because he's the press secretary for the most hated incoming US President in history.

"My Less Than One Month in the White House" will fly off the shelves. He'll have a short run on opinion news shows and the like with that little amount of time in the public eye. They'll use him up quick and toss him aside.

Many people applaud the whistleblowers. Fewer people hire the whistleblowers. Standing up for ethic is always the right choice when it's happening to someone else.

Don't forget all the 70's nostalgia in the 90's either. Just like the late 80's had its 60's nostalgia. One decade started to be defined by the one 20 years before it.

Mexican American's love their nana's and their nono's and their nina's and their nino's… nana, nana, nino, nono!

I love that movie. It's great because Jack Burton is the comedic sidekick.