The Porkchop Express

It's always time to watch Tombstone again.

I'm sure that title isn't going to last long. As soon as Disney sees 'Jedi', the lawyers descend from the perches atop the Disneyland castle.

The bit where the guy keeps hitting him in the balls is funny due to the word play and the objects. Plus, Charlie Sheen really deserves getting hit in the balls over and over.

Since the US government has done away with a lot of the right off perks of financing films, it's most likely the second one.

Or Weird Science, Aliens, Frailty, or Tombstone?

I don't care what the cover looks like. As long as someone got to see Near Dark, I'm happy. I would be happier, though, if I could see the horrified looks on teen girls' faces as the realization set in.

Then he needs to be careful that his junk doesn't have an escape plan.

I bet that you'd be able to hear the change in his pocket jingle all the way.

He looks real angry in that trailer. You can practically feel the red heat.

Maggie was a nice surprise.

Unless his parents actually named him Dick instead of Richard, that was his own damn fault.

He was the go-to choice for my college roommate when we'd play the N64 NASCAR game.

The apostrophe was in hot demand in the 90's it seems.

I had this conversation with a net friend from Chile. He said that in the 00's the fad was naming kids after anime characters. So you'd have Inuyasha Garcia, Goku Diaz, etc. The funniest was a kid whose name was pronounced 'Oos-na-vy' because that was the name on the uniform of the sailor the chick slept with.

You know Motel 6 Lee too?

I work at a university, and the names we get from both white and black families are pretty terrible. A lot are trying to be different with a classic name or spelling it how it sounds phonetically. Then, there are the real head scratchers like LaTissue.

To me that's the main fault with Snyder's Superman. I can overlook bad cinematography and drawn out fight scenes. The complete and utter lack of understanding why a living god would not only want to help people but to actively go out of his way to make the effort even if he wouldn't succeed is what kills the movie.

Not to mention that the movie Civil War was much better thought out than the comic story it took its name from.

Hey, I yam what I yam.

I believe it was the chimp online dating app Pri-Mates.