The Porkchop Express

A counter-point: This IS the internet.

You've certainly got an eye for puns.

But not in the making of the movie.

Outrage and calling for a boycott of a film I wasn't going to watch anyway just to show Hollywood that I mean business.

On a related note, I have video footage that proves that tmage is a monster who's trying to drown his dog.

Do you want the dog turning in a Star Wars prequel level performance?

That's just the many layers of Randy Quaid. He's like an onion.

I guess that comment put you in the dog house.

He's really hard to get in touch with. I hear his agent has him on a short leash.

But it's too thin and watery to unclog the pipes.

Spending the 6 mil on hookers and booze?

Worst quinceanera ever.

All it takes is a job where you have to deal with people to make you hate people.

*Frankie Avalon sings 'Jedi School Drop-out'*

His bank account would probably disagree with you.

It's what I say to the Will Wheaton haters. Don't hate what he did in TNG. He was an actor AND a nerd. Which of us at his age would turn down a chance to be on Star Trek? It was just a bad character idea originated by a man who was creatively bankrupt at the time. You can hate Wheaton for anything else he's done as an

Ageing up Anakin gives way to the possibility of a love triangle between him, Padame, and Obi-Wan whether real or imagined. Say what you will, but that ridiculous rat-tail haircut they gave McGregor in TPM made him look much younger. That would make better sense for Anakin's fall to the Dark Side other than "They're

I remember seeing it in the mall theater. I worked a lot back then and somehow wound up with at Saturday off. I decided to see the first movie that was playing when I walked into the mall no matter what it was. It happened to be TPM. I'm not going to lie. I was excited by the idea. It'd been out for several weeks, so

The guy turned in a solid Obi-Wan performance. Unlike other prequel like movies/TV shows, it's very easy to imagine that Obi-Wan grew into the original trilogy version.

No, I'm pretty sure Britain got tired and let us go years ago.