The Porkchop Express

When I was about 13, we took a trip to San Antonio. As we were making our way to the River Walk, PETA was having a protest on the street (don't know what they were in front of; we never got that close). I vividly remember a guy in a giant, yellow chicken suit holding a sign that read 'Chickens Are People Too'. Yeah.


"And you two are actually going to have to swap faces."

I thought the original was, "Who fucking cares about those asshol*click*"

Actually, he made a few documentaries after Titanic.

Every time you try to walk away after thinking that it sunk, it just pops right back up.

Cameron's Agent:"James, did you actually tell Variety that you're shooting a sci-fi 'Dances with Wolves'?"

Why did Cameron insist on it being one continual shot?

I had high hopes for Salvation. Had.

Titanic 2: Britannic

Don't give him any ideas. He's still got to finish out his Netflix deal.

Cage and Travolta better be glad that Werner Herzog wasn't directing that one.

I'm glad someone remembered RRW. Cage and Dennis Hopper! Damn that's a good movie.

He kinda got into the mold before the whole IRS thing, though.

That's only because you fell asleep in the middle of it.

"This isn't as comfortable as the couch I had at my castle. You guys know that I had a castle, right?"

Not just the draft either. My grandfather would have been about the same age as Freddie at the time of the movie. He was in his mid-20's when Pearl Harbor happened. He enlisted. They didn't want to take him but not because of his age. He worked for DuPont. They were the #1 producer of gunpowder at the time for the US.

It is in the 50's, so you're not talking about someone fresh out of the war. Plus, an alcoholic war veteran is going to have a lot of miles showing.

What about a t-shirt that looks like a tuxedo?

I'd rather go to court.